[Freeschool] Fwd: [seul-edu] A solution for multimedia X-terminals environment in LTSP

Michael Shigorin mike на osdn.org.ua
Чт Сен 25 04:49:49 MSD 2003

----- Forwarded message from Bruce Hwang <ghhwang на advancedthintech.com> -----

Date: Fri, 19 Sep 2003 22:36:32 +0800
From: "Bruce Hwang" <ghhwang на advancedthintech.com>
To: <seul-edu на seul.org>
Subject: [seul-edu] A solution for multimedia X-terminals environment in LTSP

[I pass this along for it's informational content.  Doug]


    I read your message  at =
http://archives.seul.org/seul/edu/Oct-2002/msg00200.html.  That is very =
interesting.  Hereon, I will like to introduce a software for multimedia =
X-terminals. In addition to ordinary X-terminals, it can be applied to =
the environment of LTSP.  Actually, our company uses a RedHat 9.0 =
terminal server+ MuNAS + some X-terminals (manufactured by DigiLife =
Technology) and LTSP (using VIA's min-itx mainboad) as our working =
platform. All of our employees enjoy it very much. We have tested it and =
it works perfectly.  I am sorry if the mail annoys you.
   The MuNAS solves the problem that the X Window system does not support =
the transformation of audio data. It makes the thin-client/server =
computing model in Linux be capable of executing multimedia =
applications. The audio data generated by Open Sound System (OSS/Free ) =
compatible audio applications which are executed in the terminal server =
can be transferred to X-terminals. The MuNAS is designed and developed =
for the thin-client system. With MuNAS installed, you can execute =
multimedia applications in the terminal server and listen for the sound =
from your X-terminal. Otherwise, these applications must be executed =
mutely in the thin-client architecture of Unix. Click to see screen =
snapshots for some multimedia applications.=20
   a.. It is designed to work on multi-user operating systems: several =
users can activate the network audio system by executing their own audio =
applications in the same computer ( terminal server) and their audio =
data can be forwarded to different computers (X-terminals) =
simultaneously. =20
   b.. Existing audio applications do not need to be modified or =
recompiled, and no additional audio libraries are required. =20
   c.. The program is not restricted to any special form of audio data =
format or device type; i.e., the audio applications can arbitrarily =
define their own audio data formats and device types according to =
   d.. The architecture of the MuNAS allows the audio mixing of audio =
data from different processes of a user. The current version of MuNAS =
does not provide this function. The MuNAS will support it in the future =
   e.. The MuNAS performs well, as indicated by its ability to send =
stereo, 16-bit, 44.1-kHz linear audio data to forty users in the same =
Linux terminal server simultaneously.=20
     Currently, several manufactures of windows terminal are going to =
install the MuNAS in their X-terminals. One of the products which we =
have tested is the XTerm series manufactured by DigiLife Technology, =
Inc. Dr. Rolf Hemmerling http://www.hemmerling.com/html/en/linux02.html =
is also installing it in his X-terminal. You can download and use it =
freely from our web site at http://www.advancedthintech.com.


Bruce Hwang
Advanced Thin-Client Technologies, Inc.
ghhwang на advancedthintech.com=20

----- End forwarded message -----

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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