[Freepublish] [scribusdocs на atlantictechsolutions.com: Re: [Scribus] ANNOUNCE Release of Scribus 1.1.0]
Alexandre Prokoudine
Чт Сен 11 15:56:41 MSD 2003
----- Forwarded message from Peter Linnell <scribusdocs на atlantictechsolutions.com> -----
From: Peter Linnell <scribusdocs на atlantictechsolutions.com>
To: Steve Herrick <steveh на greens.org>
Cc: Scribus Mail List <scribus на nashi.altmuehlnet.de>
Subject: Re: [Scribus] ANNOUNCE Release of Scribus 1.1.0
Date: 09 Sep 2003 23:24:09 -0400
Reply-To: scribusdocs на atlantictechsolutions.com
On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 23:01, Steve Herrick wrote:
> Peter Linnell wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-09-09 at 17:45, Paul wrote:
> >
> >>Dear Franz,
> >>
> >>
> >>>Today I've put the Sources of Scribus-1.1.0 and an updated
> >>>Version of the Scripting Plugin onto my Website. The Down-
> >>>load and the Homepage are also updated.
> Holy cow, I just downloaded 1.0.1! Is it possible the pace of
> development is *too* fast? :)
Nope, They are a bunch of clever coders...
> I'll download 1.1 at work tomorrow. If the screenshot is any indication,
> this looks like a huge leap forward. Scribus once again outpaces my
> expectations. Thanks once again, Paul and Franz.
That screen shot was taken from my home workstation which has an OK
video card running at 1024x768.
The display on a 21" screen at 1520x1140 @100 hz with a high end Matrox
video card, running Mosfet's Liquid theme for KDE 3.1.3/RH9 with all the
transparency and shading effects enabled on a DTP workstation at one of
my clients is simply stunning.
It is not just the display, but the redraw speed is much faster with
fewer un-needed redraws.
Do not forget the other goody in this release is the SVG import plug-in
- not exactly a half hour job. It works really well with well-formed
compliant to spec SVG. Once you import SVG and un group the elements,
the SVG elements are editable - *Nice*. In testing, I could swap SVG
files between Sketch and Sodipodi to Scribus with few problems.
Scribus mailing list
Scribus на nashi.altmuehlnet.de
----- End forwarded message -----
Alexandre Prokoudine
ALT Linux Documentation Team
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