[Freepublish] Fw: Re: [Scribus] OpenOffice.org Support
Alexandre Prokoudine
Чт Июн 26 12:38:59 MSD 2003
Я тут немного пособачился насчёт внутреннего формата Scribus и
вот что из этого вышло...
Begin forwarded message:
Date: 26 Jun 2003 09:19:47 +0100
From: PFJ <paulf.johnson на ukonline.co.uk>
To: Scribus <scribus на nashi.altmuehlnet.de>
Subject: Re: [Scribus] OpenOffice.org Support
> > > E.g. text is being written as argument to a tag., e.g.
> > >
> > > <ITEXT CAB="0" CCOLOR="Black" CSIZE="8" CH="some text"
> > > CSHADE="100" CSTYLE="0" CFONT="Nimbus Roman No9 L Medium"
> > > CEXTRA="2"/>
> > >
> > > In the XML world it would be more appropriate to make it this
> > > way:
> > >
> > > <texttag argument="value">some text</texttag>
> > >
> > > There also are no xml declaration and no DTD. The last point
> > > really makes me frustrated.
> >
> > Yes, that is a common critique.
> And where can I read the common answer? :-)
discuss на openoffice.org may be a good start.
As for getting OOo doc files into Scribus, it shouldn't really be a
problem. I had a chat with the OOo lads at the NIA bash on Tuesday
night who became excited (to say the least) over the descriptions of
Scribus - they did know what it was, but hadn't looked at it. As I
had my laptop with me, they were able to see that the XML Scribus
generates and that of OOo docs should really not be too hard to do.
With any luck, the 1.1 release will have it in - lots has to be done
before that...
Another fun thing which happened was that I have had an email from
someone at Quark who wanted to know how the Quark importer was going
to work given it was closed (I think they wanted an admission of
reverse engineering). While they were not exactly over the the moon
with my reply, they didn't put up a bar on the development, but did
request that the plugin is kept closed source. After about 5 seconds
of thought though, the one word which cross my mind was
naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :-)
Open your mind to a time where a company does not have control
Open your mind to a choice of applications which you can control
Open your mind from the closed world of those who seek total power
Open your mind to the wonderful world of Open Source
Alexandre Prokoudine
ALT Linux Documentation Team
JabberID: avp на altlinux.org
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