[docs] Fw: [xsl] emacs mode for relax-ng

Vitaly Ostanin vyt на vzljot.ru
Ср Сен 3 16:31:06 MSD 2003

Hello, All!

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2003 11:23:22 +0100 
From: David.Pawson на rnib.org.uk
To: xsl-list на lists.mulberrytech.com
Subject: [xsl] emacs mode for relax-ng

>From James Clark.
Announced on the relax-ng list.
M-TAB used which makes it 'hard' for win32 use.

regards DaveP

I have been working on a new GNU Emacs mode for editing XML
documents, which can take advantage of RELAX NG.  An alpha
release is available for download as:


It requires GNU Emacs 21.x (neither Emacs 20 nor XEmacs will
work), but apart from that has no other prerequisites: everything
is implemented in Emacs Lisp.

It currently supports RELAX NG Compact Syntax only.  It does
incremental XML parsing and RELAX NG validation.  It supports W3C
XML Schema datatypes.

The idea is to work like typical modern IDEs. It continually
reparses and revalidates during the idle time between keystrokes
and underlines the invalid parts of the buffer.  It can do
context-sensitive completion of start-tag names, attribute names
and enumerated attribute values.

This is still very much a work in progress.  Most of the work has
been on providing the underlying infrastructure to support
incremental parsing and validation.  There's still much to be
done in exploiting this infrastructure in support of XML editing.
 I hope early users will help figure out the best way to do this.


Regards DaveP.

**** snip here *****

<snip/> :)

Regards, Vyt
mailto:  vyt на vzljot.ru
JID:     vyt на vzljot.ru
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