[docs] Fw: DOCBOOK-APPS: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.56.0 Released

Vitaly Ostanin vyt на vzljot.ru
Чт Окт 10 19:45:44 MSD 2002

Hello, All!

Вышли новые стили, many bug fixes. 
К этим исправлениям обещаны ещё исправления, 1.56.1

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 08:03:52 -0400
From: Norman Walsh <ndw на nwalsh.com>
To: docbook-apps на lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: "Eric S. Raymond" <esr на thyrsus.com>
Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: Announce: DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.56.0

Hash: SHA1

This morning I finally released 1.56.0.


                      DocBook XSL Stylesheet Release Notes

  DocBook Open Repository Team

   $Id: RELEASE-NOTES.xml,v 1.12 2002/10/09 09:45:20 nwalsh Exp $

   08 Oct 2002


   These are the release notes for the DocBook XSL Stylesheets.
This file   documents (mostly) changes to the public APIs. What,
exactly, counts as a   public API is still somewhat in question,
but it includes at least the   global parameters.

   Release 1.56.0

   The 1.56.0 release fixes bugs.

     o Reworked chunking. This will break all existing
customizations layers       that change the chunking algorithm.
If you're customizing chunking,       look at the new "content"
parameter that's passed to       process-chunk-element and

     o Support continued and inherited numeration in orderedlist
formatting       for FOs.

     o Added Thai localization.

     o Tweaked stylesheet documentation stylesheets to link to
TDG and the       parameter references.

     o Allow title on tables of contents ("Table of Contents") to
be       optional. Added new keyword to generate.toc. Support
tables of       contents on sections.

     o Made separate parameters for table borders and table cell
borders:       table.frame.border.color,
table.frame.border.style,       table.frame.border.thickness,
table.cell.border.color,       table.cell.border.style, and

     o Suppress formatting of "endofrange" indexterms. This is
only       half-right. They should generate a range, but I
haven't figured out       how to do that yet.

     o Support revdescription. (Bug #582192)

     o Added default.float.class and fixed figure floats. (Bug

     o Fixed formatting of sbr in FOs.

     o Added context to the "missing template" error message.

     o Process arg correctly in a group. (Bug #605150)

     o Removed 'keep-with-next' from formal.title.properties
attribute set       now that the stylesheets support the option
of putting such titles       below the object. Now the $placement
value determines if       'keep-with-next' or
'keep-with-previous' is used in the title block.

     o Wrap "url()" around external-destinations when

     o Fixed typo in compact list spacing. (Bug #615464)

     o Removed spurious hash in anchor name. (Bug #617717)

     o Address is now displayed verbatim on title pages. (Bug

     o The bridgehead.in.toc parameter is now properly supported.

     o Improved effectiveness of HTML cleanup by increasing the
number of       places where it is used. Improve use of HTML
cleanup in XHTML       stylesheets.

     o Support table of contents for appendix in article. (Bug

     o Don't duplicate footnotes in bibliographys and glossarys.
(Bug       #583282)

     o Added default.image.width. (Bug #516859)

     o Totally reworked funcsynopsis code; it now supports a
'tabular'       presentation style for 'wide' prototypes; see
       funcsynopsis.tabular.threshold. (HTML only right now, I
think, FO       support, uh, real soon now.)

     o Reworked support for difference marking; toned down the
colors a bit       and added a "system.head.content" template so
that the diff CSS wasn't       overriding "user.head.content".
(Bug #610660)

     o Added call to the "*.head.content" elements when writing
out long       description chunks.

     o Make sure legalnotice link is correct even when chunking
to a       different base.dir.

     o Use CSS to set viewport characteristics if css.decoration
is non-zero,       use div instead of p for making graphic a
block element; make figure       titles the default alt text for
images in a figure.

     o Added space-after to list.block.spacing.

     o Reworked section.level template to give "correct" answer
instead of       being off by one.

     o When processing tables, use the tabstyle attribute as the
division       class.

     o Fixed bug in html2xhtml.xsl that was causing the XHTML
chunker to       output HTML instead of XHTML.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw на nwalsh.com>      | One's never alone with a
rubber http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | duck.
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee |
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Regards, Vyt
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