[devel] UID_MIN/GID_MIN 500 -> 1000

Dmitry V. Levin ldv на altlinux.org
Ср Апр 26 13:29:51 MSK 2023

On Fri, Apr 21, 2023 at 03:54:07PM +0300, Alexey V. Vissarionov wrote:
> Good ${greeting_time}!
> On 2023-04-20 16:30:56 +0300, Alexey Shabalin wrote:
>  >> Есть мысль увеличить UID_MIN/GID_MIN по умолчанию до 1000
>  > Еще бы хорошо перейти на uid=gid=65534 для nobody
>  > https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/docs/UIDS-GIDS.md
> А вот этого делать точно не надо, так как 65534 - совершенно
> валидный UID из диапазона [UID_MIN;4294967294].

overflowgid & overflowuid

Some filesystems only support 16-bit UIDs and GIDs, although in Linux
UIDs and GIDs are 32 bits. When one of these filesystems is mounted
with writes enabled, any UID or GID that would exceed 65535 is translated
to a fixed value before being written to disk.

These sysctls allow you to change the value of the fixed UID and GID.
The default is 65534.


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