[devel] I: texlive build 0.25

Andrey Savchenko bircoph на altlinux.org
Ср Фев 7 17:28:55 MSK 2018

On Sat, 3 Feb 2018 11:39:26 +0200 Igor Vlasenko wrote:
> Господа,
> что нового в сборке texlive 0.25

Я установил texlive-2016-alt0.26_39.20160520, на этот раз всё
прошло гладко. 

Но дальше я обламался с beamer: для его работы с моими
презентациями не хватает кучи пакетов (etoolbox, xunicode и т.д.,
и т.п.). Обычно они лежат в texlive-latex-recommended и
texlive-latex-extra, но я ни тот, ни другой метапакет поставить не
могу из-за кучи unmet:

# apt-get install texlive-latex-recommended
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  texlive-latex-recommended: Depends: texlive-latex-base
                             Depends: /usr/share/texmf-texlive
                             Depends: texmf(latex/amsgen)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/amsmath)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/amssymb)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/array)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/article)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/beton)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/bm)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/calc)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/color)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/doc)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/etex)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/euler)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/exscale)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/fixltx2e)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/flafter)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/fontenc)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/graphics)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/graphicx)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/ifthen)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/ifxetex)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/inputenc)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/keyval)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/letter)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/longtable)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/lscape)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/ltxdoc)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/makeidx)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/multicol)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/natbib)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/pifont)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/remreset)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/report)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/tabularx)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/textcomp)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/varioref)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/verbatim)
                             Depends: texmf(latex/xspace)
E: Broken packages

# apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependency Tree... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.

Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that
the package is simply not installable and a bug report against
that package should be filed.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  texlive-latex-extra: Depends: /usr/share/texmf-texlive
                       Depends: texmf(latex/a4wide)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/aeguill)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/afterpackage)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/afterpage)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/amsbsy)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/amsgen)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/article)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/bbm)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/beamer)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/book)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/bookmark)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/booktabs)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/boxedminipage)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/chessfss)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/chngpage)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/cite)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/colordvi)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/comment)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/coollist)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ctib)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/dcounter)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/defpattern)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/desclist)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/doc)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/eepic)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/epic)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/epsf)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/epsfig)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/eso-pic)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/eufrak)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/eurofont)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/extdash)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/fancyheadings)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/fancyref)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/filecontents)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/fltpoint)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/fmtcount)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/fullpage)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/graphics)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/hypcap)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ifdraft)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ifmtarg)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/letter)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/lineno)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/linguex)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/listings)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/lmodern)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ltxtable)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/makeidx)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/mathbbol)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/mathpazo)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/mathpple)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/minitoc)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/moreverb)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/mparhack)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/multicol)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/natbib)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccboxes)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccfancyhdr)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccfloats)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccfoots)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccmath)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccpic)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccsect)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nccthm)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ngerman)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nicefrac)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/nomencl)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/overcite)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/paralist)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/picinpar)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/psfrag)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pst-blur)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pst-char)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pst-grad)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pst-node)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pst-slpe)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/pxfonts)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/qpxmath)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/rawfonts)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/relsize)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/remreset)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/report)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/revtex4)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrartcl)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrbook)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrlettr)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrlfile)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrpage2)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/scrreprt)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/setspace)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/shortvrb)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/showkeys)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/skak)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/stmaryrd)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/syntonly)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/textarea)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/theorem)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/thumbpdf)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/tocbibind)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/tocenter)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/toolbox)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/topsection)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/trace)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/trig)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/truncate)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/twoopt)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/typearea)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/ucs)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/varioref)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/vmargin)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/watermark)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/wrapfig)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/xcomment)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/xspace)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/xy)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/xyling)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/yfonts)
                       Depends: texmf(latex/zref)
E: Broken packages

Что делать? Пока что я руками доставляю нужные пакеты.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko
----------- следующая часть -----------
Было удалено вложение не в текстовом формате...
Имя     : отсутствует
Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 833 байтов
Описание: отсутствует
Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20180207/a1f989f7/attachment-0001.bin>

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