[devel] Fwd: [#187633] EPERM (try 2) del=gsl90 gsl.git=2.4-alt1 labplot.git=2.4.0-alt1 ...
Aleksei Nikiforov
darktemplar на basealt.ru
Вт Сен 5 16:24:47 MSK 2017
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Мне не хватило прав на несколько пакетов.
Я пытался связаться с mithraen и zerg
по поводу подзаданий 1700 и 3000,
но до сих пор не получил ответа от них.
С уважением,
Алексей Никифоров
-------- Перенаправленное сообщение --------
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Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2017 14:46:33 +0000
From: Girar Builder awaiter robot <girar-builder на altlinux.org>
To: Aleksei Nikiforov <darktemplar на altlinux.org>
Cc: sisyphus-incominger на lists.altlinux.org
Subject: [#187633] EPERM (try 2) del=gsl90 gsl.git=2.4-alt1
labplot.git=2.4.0-alt1 ...
Message-ID: <20170901144633.GA16672 на gyle.altlinux.org>
Reply-To: darktemplar на altlinux.org
Mail-Followup-To: girar-builder на altlinux.org
MIME-Version: 1.0
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Content-Disposition: inline
X-girar-task-id: 187633
X-girar-task-owner: darktemplar
X-girar-task-repo: sisyphus
X-girar-task-try: 2
X-girar-task-iter: 1
X-girar-task-status: EPERM
X-girar-task-URL: http://git.altlinux.org/tasks/187633/
X-girar-task-log: logs/events.2.1.log
X-girar-task-summary: [#187633] EPERM (try 2) del=gsl90 gsl.git=2.4-alt1
labplot.git=2.4.0-alt1 ocaml-gsl.git=1.19.3-alt4%ubt
bogofilter.git=1.2.4-alt2 gnustep-FisicaLab.git=0.3.5-alt1
gnuradio.git=3.7.11-alt2 xaos.git=3.6-alt2 ThePEG.git=1.6.1-alt1
inkscape.git=0.92.1-alt4 qtiplot.git=
python-module-pygsl.git=2.2.0-alt1 unnethack.git=5.1.0-alt2
tamu_anova.git=0.2-alt3 sipp.git=3.5.1-alt2 qgis.git=2.18.12-alt2
python-module-cvxopt.git=1.1.9-alt1 pspp.git=1.0.1-alt1
pfstools.git=2.0.6-alt2 srpm=nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm
srpm=luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm lib2geom.git=20081103-alt1.6
kde5-step.git=17.04.2-alt2%ubt indilib.git=1.3.1-alt2%ubt
kde4edu.git=15.12.3-alt6%ubt srpm=guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm
gromacs.git=4.0.7-alt9 gambas3.git=3.10.0-alt2 enblend.git=4.2-alt3
kf5-kproperty.git=3.0.2-alt1 kf5-kreport.git=3.0.2-alt1
User-Agent: Mutt/1.6 (2015-08-30)
2017-Sep-01 08:05:38 :: test-only task #187633 for sisyphus resumed by
#100 delete gsl90
#200 removed
#240 build 2.4-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/gsl.git
#300 build 2.4.0-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/labplot.git
#400 build 1.19.3-alt4%ubt from /people/darktemplar/packages/ocaml-gsl.git
#500 build 1.2.4-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/bogofilter.git
#600 build 0.3.5-alt1 from
#700 build 3.7.11-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/gnuradio.git
#1000 build 3.6-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/xaos.git
#1100 build 1.6.1-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/ThePEG.git
#1200 build 0.92.1-alt4 from /people/darktemplar/packages/inkscape.git
#1300 build from
#1400 build 2.2.0-alt1 from
#1500 build 5.1.0-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/unnethack.git
#1600 build 0.2-alt3 from /people/darktemplar/packages/tamu_anova.git
#1700 build 3.5.1-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/sipp.git
#2000 build 2.18.12-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/qgis.git
#2100 build 1.1.9-alt1 from
#2200 build 1.0.1-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/pspp.git
#2300 build 2.0.6-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/pfstools.git
#2400 build nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm
#2500 build luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm
#2600 build 20081103-alt1.6 from /people/darktemplar/packages/lib2geom.git
#2700 build 17.04.2-alt2%ubt from /people/darktemplar/packages/kde5-step.git
#3000 build 1.3.1-alt2%ubt from /people/darktemplar/packages/indilib.git
#3100 build 15.12.3-alt6%ubt from /people/darktemplar/packages/kde4edu.git
#3200 build guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm
#3300 build 4.0.7-alt9 from /people/darktemplar/packages/gromacs.git
#3400 build 3.10.0-alt2 from /people/darktemplar/packages/gambas3.git
#3500 build 4.2-alt3 from /people/darktemplar/packages/enblend.git
#3600 build 3.0.2-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/kf5-kproperty.git
#3700 build 3.0.2-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/kf5-kreport.git
#4000 removed
#4100 build 3.0.1-alt1 from /people/darktemplar/packages/calligra.git
2017-Sep-01 08:05:58 :: created build repo
2017-Sep-01 08:05:59 :: [i586] #240 gsl.git 2.4-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:05:59 :: [x86_64] #240 gsl.git 2.4-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:06:36 :: [i586] gsl.git 2.4-alt1: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:06:36 :: [i586] #240 gsl.git 2.4-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:06:36 :: [i586] #300 labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:06:39 :: [x86_64] gsl.git 2.4-alt1: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:06:39 :: [x86_64] #240 gsl.git 2.4-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:06:39 :: [x86_64] #300 labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:07:00 :: [i586] labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:00 :: [i586] #300 labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:00 :: [i586] #400 ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt: build
2017-Sep-01 08:07:01 :: [x86_64] labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:01 :: [x86_64] #300 labplot.git 2.4.0-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:01 :: [x86_64] #400 ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:07:22 :: [i586] ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:22 :: [i586] #400 ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:22 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:07:23 :: [x86_64] ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:23 :: [x86_64] #400 ocaml-gsl.git 1.19.3-alt4%ubt:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:23 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:07:45 :: [i586] bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:45 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:45 :: [i586] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:07:46 :: [x86_64] bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:07:46 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter.git 1.2.4-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:07:46 :: [x86_64] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [i586] gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [i586] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [x86_64] gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [x86_64] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab.git 0.3.5-alt1:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:08:09 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:08:36 :: [x86_64] gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:08:36 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:08:36 :: [x86_64] #1000 xaos.git 3.6-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:08:36 :: [i586] gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:08:37 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio.git 3.7.11-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:08:37 :: [i586] #1000 xaos.git 3.6-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:00 :: [x86_64] xaos.git 3.6-alt2: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:09:00 :: [x86_64] #1000 xaos.git 3.6-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:00 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:02 :: [i586] xaos.git 3.6-alt2: remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:09:02 :: [i586] #1000 xaos.git 3.6-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:02 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:23 :: [x86_64] ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:09:23 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:23 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:24 :: [i586] ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:09:24 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG.git 1.6.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:24 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:50 :: [i586] inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:09:50 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:50 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot.git build start
2017-Sep-01 08:09:50 :: [x86_64] inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:09:51 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape.git 0.92.1-alt4: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:09:51 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot.git build start
2017-Sep-01 08:10:14 :: [i586] qtiplot.git
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:10:14 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot.git build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:10:14 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl.git 2.2.0-alt1:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:10:16 :: [x86_64] qtiplot.git
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:10:16 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot.git build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:10:16 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl.git
2.2.0-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:10:36 :: [i586] python-module-pygsl.git 2.2.0-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:10:36 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl.git 2.2.0-alt1:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:10:36 :: [i586] #1500 unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:10:37 :: [x86_64] python-module-pygsl.git 2.2.0-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:10:38 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl.git
2.2.0-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:10:38 :: [x86_64] #1500 unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:10:58 :: [i586] unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:10:58 :: [i586] #1500 unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:10:58 :: [i586] #1600 tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:11:02 :: [x86_64] unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:11:02 :: [x86_64] #1500 unnethack.git 5.1.0-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:11:02 :: [x86_64] #1600 tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:11:20 :: [i586] tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:11:20 :: [i586] #1600 tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:11:20 :: [i586] #1700 sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:11:24 :: [x86_64] tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:11:24 :: [x86_64] #1600 tamu_anova.git 0.2-alt3: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:11:24 :: [x86_64] #1700 sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:11:45 :: [i586] sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:11:45 :: [i586] #1700 sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:11:45 :: [i586] #2000 qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:11:47 :: [x86_64] sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:11:47 :: [x86_64] #1700 sipp.git 3.5.1-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:11:47 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:12:25 :: [x86_64] qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:12:25 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:12:25 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt.git
1.1.9-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:12:26 :: [i586] qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:12:26 :: [i586] #2000 qgis.git 2.18.12-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:12:26 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt.git
1.1.9-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:12:48 :: [x86_64] python-module-cvxopt.git 1.1.9-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:12:48 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt.git
1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:12:48 :: [x86_64] #2200 pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:12:50 :: [i586] python-module-cvxopt.git 1.1.9-alt1:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:12:50 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt.git
1.1.9-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:12:50 :: [i586] #2200 pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:10 :: [x86_64] pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:13:11 :: [x86_64] #2200 pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:13:11 :: [x86_64] #2300 pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:13 :: [i586] pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:13:13 :: [i586] #2200 pspp.git 1.0.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:13:13 :: [i586] #2300 pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:33 :: [x86_64] pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:13:34 :: [x86_64] #2300 pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:13:34 :: [x86_64] #2400 nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:36 :: [i586] pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:13:36 :: [i586] #2300 pfstools.git 2.0.6-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:13:36 :: [i586] #2400 nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:57 :: [x86_64] nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:13:58 :: [x86_64] #2400 nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:13:58 :: [x86_64] #2500 luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:13:59 :: [i586] nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:14:00 :: [i586] #2400 nip2-8.4.0-alt2.src.rpm: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:14:00 :: [i586] #2500 luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:14:24 :: [x86_64] luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm:
remote: no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:14:24 :: [x86_64] #2500 luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:14:24 :: [x86_64] #2600 lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:14:27 :: [i586] luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:14:27 :: [i586] #2500 luminance-hdr-2.5.1-alt2.src.rpm:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:14:27 :: [i586] #2600 lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6: build
2017-Sep-01 08:14:46 :: [x86_64] lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:14:46 :: [x86_64] #2600 lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:14:46 :: [x86_64] #2700 kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:14:49 :: [i586] lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:14:49 :: [i586] #2600 lib2geom.git 20081103-alt1.6: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:14:49 :: [i586] #2700 kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:15:10 :: [x86_64] kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:15:10 :: [x86_64] #2700 kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:15:10 :: [x86_64] #3000 indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: build
2017-Sep-01 08:15:14 :: [i586] kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:15:14 :: [i586] #2700 kde5-step.git 17.04.2-alt2%ubt:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:15:14 :: [i586] #3000 indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:15:32 :: [x86_64] indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:15:32 :: [x86_64] #3000 indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:15:32 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:15:37 :: [i586] indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:15:37 :: [i586] #3000 indilib.git 1.3.1-alt2%ubt: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:15:37 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt: build
2017-Sep-01 08:16:04 :: [x86_64] kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:04 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:04 :: [x86_64] #3200 guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:16:09 :: [i586] kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:09 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu.git 15.12.3-alt6%ubt: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:09 :: [i586] #3200 guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm: build
2017-Sep-01 08:16:27 :: [x86_64] guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:27 :: [x86_64] #3200 guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:27 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:16:31 :: [i586] guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:31 :: [i586] #3200 guvcview-2.0.5-alt3.src.rpm: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:31 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:16:51 :: [x86_64] gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:51 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:51 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:16:54 :: [i586] gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:16:54 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs.git 4.0.7-alt9: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:16:54 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:17:17 :: [x86_64] gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:17:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:17:18 :: [x86_64] #3500 enblend.git 4.2-alt3: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:17:21 :: [i586] gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:17:21 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3.git 3.10.0-alt2: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:17:21 :: [i586] #3500 enblend.git 4.2-alt3: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:17:46 :: [x86_64] enblend.git 4.2-alt3: remote: no need
to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:17:46 :: [x86_64] #3500 enblend.git 4.2-alt3: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:17:46 :: [x86_64] #3600 kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1:
build start
2017-Sep-01 08:17:47 :: [i586] enblend.git 4.2-alt3: remote: no need to
2017-Sep-01 08:17:47 :: [i586] #3500 enblend.git 4.2-alt3: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:17:47 :: [i586] #3600 kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1: build
2017-Sep-01 08:18:09 :: [x86_64] kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1: remote:
no need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:18:09 :: [x86_64] #3600 kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1:
build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:18:09 :: [x86_64] #3700 kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: build
2017-Sep-01 08:18:11 :: [i586] kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:18:11 :: [i586] #3600 kf5-kproperty.git 3.0.2-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:18:11 :: [i586] #3700 kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:18:32 :: [x86_64] kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:18:32 :: [x86_64] #3700 kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:18:32 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra.git 3.0.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 08:18:33 :: [i586] kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: remote: no
need to rebuild
2017-Sep-01 08:18:33 :: [i586] #3700 kf5-kreport.git 3.0.2-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 08:18:33 :: [i586] #4100 calligra.git 3.0.1-alt1: build start
2017-Sep-01 10:54:34 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra.git 3.0.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 11:07:09 :: [i586] #4100 calligra.git 3.0.1-alt1: build OK
2017-Sep-01 11:15:07 :: build check OK
--- gromacs-devel-4.0.7-alt9.i586.rpm.share 2017-09-01
11:18:26.669832086 +0000
+++ gromacs-devel-4.0.7-alt9.x86_64.rpm.share 2017-09-01
11:18:26.757831306 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/usr/share/gromacs/template 40755 directory
-/usr/share/gromacs/template/Makefile.i586-alt-linux-gnu 100644 empty
-/usr/share/gromacs/template/Makefile.i586-alt-linux-gnu_double 100644 empty
+/usr/share/gromacs/template/Makefile.x86_64-alt-linux-gnu 100644 empty
+/usr/share/gromacs/template/Makefile.x86_64-alt-linux-gnu_double 100644
/usr/share/gromacs/template/README 100644 ASCII C++ program text
warning (#3300): non-identical /usr/share part
2017-Sep-01 11:19:55 :: noarch check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:19:56 :: plan: src +31 -30 =17973, i586 +340 -349 =34110,
noarch +21 -21 =18136, x86_64 +340 -349 =34101
2017-Sep-01 11:19:58 :: version check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:21:22 :: generated apt indices
2017-Sep-01 11:21:22 :: created next repo
2017-Sep-01 11:21:38 :: dependencies check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:22:52 :: ELF symbols check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:23:25 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:23:25 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:23:45 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:23:46 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:02 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:03 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:23 :: [x86_64] #1100 ThePEG-gui: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:25 :: [i586] #1100 ThePEG-gui: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:39 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:41 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:54 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter-contrib: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:24:57 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter-contrib: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:11 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:15 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:28 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter-utils: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:31 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter-utils: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:46 :: [x86_64] #500 bogofilter-utils-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:25:49 :: [i586] #500 bogofilter-utils-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:26:31 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:26:39 :: [i586] #4100 calligra: install check OK
x86_64: calligra-common=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:26:48 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-common: install check OK
i586: calligra-common=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:26:56 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-common: install check OK
x86_64: calligra-core=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:27:26 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-core: install check OK
i586: calligra-core=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:27:37 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-core: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:29:26 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-core-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:29:52 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-core-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:30:07 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:30:35 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:32:01 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-devel-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: calligra-karbon=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:32:41 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-karbon: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:32:45 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-devel-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: calligra-karbon=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:33:30 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-karbon: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:34:34 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-karbon-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:35:14 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-okular-generators:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:35:39 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-karbon-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:36:24 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-okular-generators: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:37:10 :: [x86_64] #4100
calligra-okular-generators-debuginfo: install check OK
x86_64: calligra-plan=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:37:48 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-plan: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:38:35 :: [i586] #4100
calligra-okular-generators-debuginfo: install check OK
i586: calligra-plan=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:39:17 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-plan: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:39:40 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-plan-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: calligra-sheets=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:40:19 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-sheets: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:41:26 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-plan-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: calligra-sheets=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:42:08 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-sheets: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:42:14 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-sheets-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: calligra-stage=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:42:53 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-stage: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:44:19 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-sheets-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:44:50 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-stage-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: calligra-stage=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:45:02 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-stage: install check OK
x86_64: calligra-words=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:45:29 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-words: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:47:13 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-stage-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:47:23 :: [x86_64] #4100 calligra-words-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:47:42 :: [x86_64] #3500 enblend: install check OK
i586: calligra-words=0:3.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:47:57 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-words: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:48:03 :: [x86_64] #3500 enblend-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:48:19 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:48:36 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-devel-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:49:21 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-full: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:49:37 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-args: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:49:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-cairo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:07 :: [i586] #4100 calligra-words-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:16 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-cairo-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:26 :: [i586] #3500 enblend: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:32 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-chart: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:48 :: [i586] #3500 enblend-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:50:48 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-clipper: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:04 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:06 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-clipper-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:22 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-devel-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:22 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-complex: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:39 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-complex-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:51:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-compress: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:11 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-full: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:12 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-compress-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:27 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-args: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:28 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-crypt: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:44 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-crypt-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:52:45 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-cairo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:00 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:07 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-cairo-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:16 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-data-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:23 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-chart: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:32 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:39 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-clipper: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:49 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:53:56 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-clipper-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-db-form=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:54:04 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-form: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:13 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-complex: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-mysql: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:30 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-complex-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:38 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-mysql-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:46 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-compress: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:54:54 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-odbc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:02 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-compress-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:11 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-odbc-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-crypt: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:28 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-postgresql: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:35 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-crypt-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:46 :: [x86_64] #3400
gambas3-gb-db-postgresql-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:55:51 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:02 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:08 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-data-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:24 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:36 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:41 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:56:53 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-db-form=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:56:58 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-form: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:57:09 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-dbus: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:57:14 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-mysql: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:57:26 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-dbus-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:57:33 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-mysql-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-desktop=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:57:43 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:57:49 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-odbc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:00 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:06 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-odbc-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:16 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:23 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-postgresql: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:34 :: [x86_64] #3400
gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:42 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-postgresql-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:50 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-eval-highlight:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:58:58 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-form=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:59:06 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:59:16 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite2-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:59:22 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-dialog: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:59:32 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-form-editor=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:59:38 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-editor: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 11:59:49 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-form-mdi=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 11:59:53 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-mdi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:05 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-dbus: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:10 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-stock: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:23 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-dbus-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-form-terminal=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:00:26 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-terminal: install
check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-desktop=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:00:39 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:42 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gmp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:57 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:00:59 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gmp-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:13 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:15 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:32 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gsl-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:32 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:49 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-eval-highlight: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:01:52 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk: install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-form=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:02:05 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:02:19 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:02:21 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-dialog: install
check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-form-editor=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:02:37 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-editor: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:02:39 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl: install
check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-form-mdi=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:02:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-mdi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:03:07 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:03:09 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-stock: install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-form-terminal=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:03:26 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-form-terminal: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:03:31 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk3: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:03:42 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gmp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:03:58 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gmp-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:03 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk3-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:14 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:19 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gui: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:32 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gsl-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:36 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-gui-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:52 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-httpd: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:04:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:09 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-httpd-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:22 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:25 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:42 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:44 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:05:57 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-effect: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:06:12 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:06:15 :: [x86_64] #3400
gambas3-gb-image-effect-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:06:31 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-imlib: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:06:36 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk3: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:06:51 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-imlib-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:08 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-io: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:09 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gtk3-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:26 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gui: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:28 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-io-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:44 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-gui-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:44 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-inotify: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:07:59 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-httpd: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:00 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-inotify-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:16 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-logging: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:17 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-httpd-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-map=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:08:32 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-map: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:33 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:48 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-markdown: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:08:50 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-media=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:09:05 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-effect: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:05 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-media: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:24 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-effect-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:24 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-media-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:40 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-memcached: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:40 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-imlib: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:09:59 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-mime: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:00 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-imlib-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-io: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-mime-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:34 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-ncurses: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:38 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-image-io-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:51 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-ncurses-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:10:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-inotify: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-net=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:11:07 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:11 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-inotify-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:24 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-curl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:27 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-logging: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:42 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-curl-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-map=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:11:43 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-map: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:59 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:11:59 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-markdown: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:12:15 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-pop3: install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-media=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:12:16 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-media: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:12:30 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-smtp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:12:36 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-media-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:12:46 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-openal: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:12:52 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-memcached: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:04 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-openal-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:10 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-mime: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:31 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-mime-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:38 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:46 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-ncurses: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:13:54 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:03 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-ncurses-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:11 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-net=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:14:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:27 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glu: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:34 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-curl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:46 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glu-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:14:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-curl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:02 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-sge: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:10 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:19 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-sge-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:26 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-pop3: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:36 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-openssl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:42 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-net-smtp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:53 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-openssl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:15:59 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-openal: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:09 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-option: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:17 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-openal-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:26 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-option-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:33 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:42 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-pcre: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:51 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:16:59 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-pcre-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:08 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-pdf: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:26 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:40 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-pdf-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:43 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glu: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:17:58 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:02 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-glu-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-sge: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:25 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:37 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-opengl-sge-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:44 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-ext: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:18:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-openssl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:11 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-openssl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:12 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-ext-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:27 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-option: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:31 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:44 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-option-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:19:58 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:20:00 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-pcre: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:20:16 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-pcre-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:20:19 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:20:35 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-pdf: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:20:57 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-pdf-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:21:04 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:21:16 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:21:25 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:21:44 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:22:04 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-ext: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:22:10 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:22:31 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-ext: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:22:34 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-ext-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:22:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:23:14 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-ext-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:23:21 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:23:34 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:23:44 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:24:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:24:31 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt4-webkit-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:24:41 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:24:53 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:25:45 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:25:45 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-report=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:26:02 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-report: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:26:06 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-ext: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-report2=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:26:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-report2: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:26:37 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-scanner: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:26:54 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-ext-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:26:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:27:16 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:27:18 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:27:34 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-sound: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:27:54 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-sound-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:28:04 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:28:11 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:28:27 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:28:29 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:28:45 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:29:04 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:29:20 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-settings: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:29:34 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-qt5-webkit-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:29:36 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-signal: install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-report=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:29:51 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-report: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:29:53 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-signal-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-report2=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:30:07 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-report2: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:30:09 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-term: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:30:26 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-term-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:30:26 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-scanner: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:30:42 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-util: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:30:45 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-util-web=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:30:57 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-util-web: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:08 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:14 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-v4l: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:25 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-sound: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:31 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-v4l-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:45 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl-sound-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:31:47 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-vb: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:02 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:05 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-vb-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio: install check OK
x86_64: gambas3-gb-web=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:32:21 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-web: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:36 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:37 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:32:56 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-sdl2-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:10 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-html: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:12 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-settings: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:27 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-html-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:28 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-signal: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:43 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-libxml: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:33:45 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-signal-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:00 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-libxml-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:01 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-term: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:16 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-rpc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:19 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-term-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:32 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-xslt: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:35 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-util: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:34:50 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-xslt-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-util-web=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:34:51 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-util-web: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:06 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-v4l: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:22 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-ide: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:24 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-v4l-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:38 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-runtime: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:40 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-vb: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:55 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-runtime-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:35:57 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-vb-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:36:10 :: [x86_64] #3400 gambas3-scripter: install check OK
i586: gambas3-gb-web=3.10.0-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:36:12 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-web: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:36:28 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:36:46 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: gnuradio=3.7.11-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:36:52 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:37:02 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-html: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:37:09 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:37:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-html-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:37:34 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-libxml: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:37:52 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-libxml-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:38:08 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-rpc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:38:17 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:38:24 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-xslt: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:38:43 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-gb-xml-xslt-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:38:56 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio-docs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:39:18 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-ide: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:39:35 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-runtime: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:39:38 :: [x86_64] #700 gnuradio-examples: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:39:52 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-runtime-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:40:08 :: [i586] #3400 gambas3-scripter: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:40:09 :: [x86_64] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab: install check OK
i586: gnuradio=3.7.11-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:40:53 :: [x86_64] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:40:54 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:41:14 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:41:27 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:41:43 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-common: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:42:19 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:42:33 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:42:36 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-devel: install check OK
x86_64: gromacs-doc=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:42:52 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-doc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:43:09 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-libs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:43:17 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio-docs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:43:31 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-libs-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:43:57 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-mpi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:44:01 :: [i586] #700 gnuradio-examples: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:44:30 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-mpi-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:44:35 :: [i586] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:44:57 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-mpi-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:45:22 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-mpi-libs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:45:24 :: [i586] #600 gnustep-FisicaLab-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:45:53 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:45:55 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-mpi-libs-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:46:09 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-common: install check OK
x86_64: gromacs-shell-extensions=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:46:12 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-shell-extensions: install
check OK
x86_64: gromacs-tutor=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:46:28 :: [x86_64] #3300 gromacs-tutor: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:46:44 :: [x86_64] #240 gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:46:47 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:47:01 :: [x86_64] #240 gsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:47:06 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-devel: install check OK
i586: gromacs-doc=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:47:21 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-doc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:47:27 :: [x86_64] #3200 guvcview: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:47:37 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-libs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:48:01 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-libs-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:48:06 :: [x86_64] #3200 guvcview-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:48:24 :: [x86_64] #3000 indilib: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:48:28 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-mpi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:48:45 :: [x86_64] #3000 indilib-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:49:03 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-mpi-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:49:14 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:49:32 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-mpi-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:50:00 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-mpi-libs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:50:02 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:50:26 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape-viewer: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:50:36 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-mpi-libs-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: gromacs-shell-extensions=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:50:53 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-shell-extensions: install
check OK
i586: gromacs-tutor=4.0.7-alt9 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:51:09 :: [i586] #3300 gromacs-tutor: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:51:09 :: [x86_64] #1200 inkscape-viewer-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:51:25 :: [i586] #240 gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:51:42 :: [i586] #240 gsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:52:08 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:52:08 :: [i586] #3200 guvcview: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:52:39 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-artikulate: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:52:49 :: [i586] #3200 guvcview-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:53:07 :: [i586] #3000 indilib: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:53:28 :: [i586] #3000 indilib-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:53:46 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-artikulate-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:53:59 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:54:15 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-blinken: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:54:52 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:55:16 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape-viewer: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:55:18 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-blinken-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:56:03 :: [i586] #1200 inkscape-viewer-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:56:04 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-cantor: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:57:08 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:57:25 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-cantor-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:57:42 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-artikulate: install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-common=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:57:42 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-common: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:58:28 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:58:54 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-artikulate-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-kalgebra=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 12:58:57 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kalgebra: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 12:59:25 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-blinken: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:00:02 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kalgebra-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-kalzium=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:00:33 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kalzium: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:00:33 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-blinken-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:01:23 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-cantor: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:01:41 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kalzium-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-kanagram=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:02:10 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kanagram: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:02:52 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-cantor-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: kde4edu-common=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:03:10 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-common: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:03:13 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kanagram-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:03:42 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kbruch: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:03:59 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-devel: install check OK
i586: kde4edu-kalgebra=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:04:30 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kalgebra: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:04:46 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kbruch-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:05:16 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kgeography: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:05:39 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kalgebra-debuginfo: install
check OK
i586: kde4edu-kalzium=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:06:11 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kalzium: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:06:19 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kgeography-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-khangman=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:06:48 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-khangman: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:07:24 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kalzium-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:07:53 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-khangman-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: kde4edu-kanagram=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:07:56 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kanagram: install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-kig=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:08:22 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kig: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:09:04 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kanagram-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:09:29 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kig-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:09:35 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kbruch: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:09:58 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kiten: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:10:45 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kbruch-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:11:02 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kiten-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:11:17 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kgeography: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:11:32 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-klettres: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:12:26 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kgeography-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:12:35 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-klettres-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: kde4edu-khangman=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:12:58 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-khangman: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:13:04 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kmplot: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:14:07 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-khangman-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:14:08 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kmplot-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:14:37 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kqtquickcharts: install
check OK
i586: kde4edu-kig=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:14:39 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kig: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:15:40 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kqtquickcharts-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:15:49 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kig-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:16:18 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kstars: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:16:20 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kiten: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:17:30 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kiten-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:17:32 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kstars-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:18:01 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-klettres: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:18:01 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-ktouch: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:19:05 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-ktouch-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:19:12 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-klettres-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:19:35 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kturtle: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:19:42 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kmplot: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:20:38 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kturtle-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:20:50 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kmplot-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:21:07 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kwordquiz: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:21:20 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kqtquickcharts: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:22:11 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-kwordquiz-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:22:28 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kqtquickcharts-debuginfo:
install check OK
x86_64: kde4edu-parley=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:22:48 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-parley: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:23:09 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kstars: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:24:02 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-parley-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:24:31 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kstars-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:24:35 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-rocs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:25:02 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-ktouch: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:25:44 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-rocs-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:26:12 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-ktouch-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:26:13 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-step: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:26:43 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kturtle: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:27:18 :: [x86_64] #3100 kde4edu-step-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:27:50 :: [x86_64] #2700 kde5-step: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:27:52 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kturtle-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:28:23 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kwordquiz: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:29:08 :: [x86_64] #2700 kde5-step-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:29:29 :: [x86_64] #3600 kf5-kproperty: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:29:31 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-kwordquiz-debuginfo:
install check OK
i586: kde4edu-parley=15.12.3-alt6.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:30:11 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-parley: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:30:14 :: [x86_64] #3600 kf5-kproperty-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: kf5-kproperty-devel=3.0.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:30:36 :: [x86_64] #3600 kf5-kproperty-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:31:02 :: [x86_64] #3700 kf5-kreport: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:31:29 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-parley-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:32:03 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-rocs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:32:10 :: [x86_64] #3700 kf5-kreport-debuginfo: install
check OK
x86_64: kf5-kreport-devel=3.0.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:32:38 :: [x86_64] #3700 kf5-kreport-devel: install check OK
x86_64: labplot=2.4.0-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:33:13 :: [x86_64] #300 labplot: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:33:16 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-rocs-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:33:47 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-step: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:34:29 :: [x86_64] #300 labplot-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:34:46 :: [x86_64] #2600 lib2geom: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:34:56 :: [i586] #3100 kde4edu-step-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:35:05 :: [x86_64] #2600 lib2geom-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:35:25 :: [x86_64] #2600 lib2geom-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:35:30 :: [i586] #2700 kde5-step: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:35:57 :: [x86_64] #3100 libartikulatecore4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:37:11 :: [x86_64] #3100 libartikulatecore4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:37:21 :: [i586] #2700 kde5-step-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:37:40 :: [x86_64] #3100 libartikulatelearnerprofile4:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:37:43 :: [i586] #3600 kf5-kproperty: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:38:34 :: [i586] #3600 kf5-kproperty-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:38:44 :: [x86_64] #3100
libartikulatelearnerprofile4-debuginfo: install check OK
i586: kf5-kproperty-devel=3.0.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:38:55 :: [i586] #3600 kf5-kproperty-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:39:15 :: [x86_64] #3100 libartikulatesound4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:39:23 :: [i586] #3700 kf5-kreport: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:40:20 :: [x86_64] #3100 libartikulatesound4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:40:39 :: [i586] #3700 kf5-kreport-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:40:56 :: [x86_64] #4100 libcalligra: install check OK
i586: kf5-kreport-devel=3.0.2-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:41:08 :: [i586] #3700 kf5-kreport-devel: install check OK
i586: labplot=2.4.0-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 13:41:47 :: [i586] #300 labplot: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:42:45 :: [x86_64] #4100 libcalligra-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:43:12 :: [i586] #300 labplot-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:43:15 :: [x86_64] #3100 libcantor4_config: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:43:29 :: [i586] #2600 lib2geom: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:43:49 :: [i586] #2600 lib2geom-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:44:09 :: [i586] #2600 lib2geom-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:44:19 :: [x86_64] #3100 libcantor4_config-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:44:41 :: [i586] #3100 libartikulatecore4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:44:48 :: [x86_64] #3100 libcantorlibs4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:45:52 :: [x86_64] #3100 libcantorlibs4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:45:55 :: [i586] #3100 libartikulatecore4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:46:14 :: [x86_64] #700 libgnuradio: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:46:25 :: [i586] #3100 libartikulatelearnerprofile4:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:46:59 :: [x86_64] #700 libgnuradio-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:47:25 :: [x86_64] #700 libgnuradio-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:47:34 :: [i586] #3100
libartikulatelearnerprofile4-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:47:41 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:47:58 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:48:06 :: [i586] #3100 libartikulatesound4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:48:14 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:48:31 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl-doc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:48:46 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl-examples: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:49:01 :: [x86_64] #240 libgsl-info: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:49:18 :: [i586] #3100 libartikulatesound4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:49:19 :: [x86_64] #3200 libguvcview: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:49:45 :: [x86_64] #3200 libguvcview-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:49:57 :: [i586] #4100 libcalligra: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:50:03 :: [x86_64] #3200 libguvcview-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:50:19 :: [x86_64] #3000 libindi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:50:38 :: [x86_64] #3000 libindi-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:50:56 :: [x86_64] #3000 libindi-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:51:24 :: [x86_64] #3100 libkhangmanengine4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:51:55 :: [i586] #4100 libcalligra-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:52:26 :: [i586] #3100 libcantor4_config: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:52:28 :: [x86_64] #3100 libkhangmanengine4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:52:57 :: [x86_64] #3100 libkiten4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:53:36 :: [i586] #3100 libcantor4_config-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:54:00 :: [x86_64] #3100 libkiten4-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:54:06 :: [i586] #3100 libcantorlibs4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:54:17 :: [x86_64] #2300 libpfs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:54:34 :: [x86_64] #2300 libpfs-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:54:51 :: [x86_64] #2300 libpfs-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:55:16 :: [i586] #3100 libcantorlibs4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:55:19 :: [x86_64] #3100 librocscore4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:55:39 :: [i586] #700 libgnuradio: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:56:24 :: [x86_64] #3100 librocscore4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:56:29 :: [i586] #700 libgnuradio-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:56:54 :: [x86_64] #3100 librocsvisualeditor4: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:56:57 :: [i586] #700 libgnuradio-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:57:13 :: [i586] #240 libgsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:57:29 :: [i586] #240 libgsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:57:46 :: [i586] #240 libgsl-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:57:58 :: [x86_64] #3100 librocsvisualeditor4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:58:01 :: [i586] #240 libgsl-doc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:58:17 :: [i586] #240 libgsl-examples: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:58:27 :: [x86_64] #3100 libscience4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:58:32 :: [i586] #240 libgsl-info: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:58:53 :: [i586] #3200 libguvcview: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:59:19 :: [i586] #3200 libguvcview-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:59:32 :: [x86_64] #3100 libscience4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:59:43 :: [i586] #3200 libguvcview-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 13:59:51 :: [x86_64] #1600 libtamuanova: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:00:01 :: [i586] #3000 libindi: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:00:10 :: [x86_64] #1600 libtamuanova-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:00:21 :: [i586] #3000 libindi-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:00:26 :: [x86_64] #1600 libtamuanova-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:00:38 :: [i586] #3000 libindi-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:01:02 :: [x86_64] #2500 luminance-hdr: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:01:09 :: [i586] #3100 libkhangmanengine4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:02:18 :: [i586] #3100 libkhangmanengine4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:02:23 :: [x86_64] #2500 luminance-hdr-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:02:49 :: [x86_64] #2400 nip2: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:02:49 :: [i586] #3100 libkiten4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:03:24 :: [x86_64] #2400 nip2-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:03:41 :: [x86_64] #2400 nip2-doc: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:03:58 :: [i586] #3100 libkiten4-debuginfo: install check OK
x86_64: ocaml-gsl=1.19.3-alt4.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:04:02 :: [x86_64] #400 ocaml-gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:04:15 :: [i586] #2300 libpfs: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:04:24 :: [x86_64] #400 ocaml-gsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:04:32 :: [i586] #2300 libpfs-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:04:45 :: [x86_64] #400 ocaml-gsl-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:04:49 :: [i586] #2300 libpfs-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:05:12 :: [x86_64] #2300 pfstools: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:05:20 :: [i586] #3100 librocscore4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:06:03 :: [x86_64] #2300 pfstools-debuginfo: install check OK
x86_64: pspp=1.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:06:28 :: [x86_64] #2200 pspp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:06:29 :: [i586] #3100 librocscore4-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:07:00 :: [i586] #3100 librocsvisualeditor4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:07:01 :: [x86_64] #2200 pspp-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:07:20 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:07:43 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:07:59 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-doc: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:08:09 :: [i586] #3100 librocsvisualeditor4-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:08:14 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-examples:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:08:30 :: [x86_64] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-pickles:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:08:40 :: [i586] #3100 libscience4: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:08:48 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:09:08 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:09:38 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl-devel:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:09:48 :: [i586] #3100 libscience4-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:09:54 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl-docs: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:04 :: [i586] #1600 libtamuanova: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:12 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl-examples:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:22 :: [i586] #1600 libtamuanova-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:31 :: [x86_64] #1400 python-module-pygsl-testing:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:38 :: [i586] #1600 libtamuanova-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:10:51 :: [x86_64] #1400
python-module-pygsl-testing-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:11:10 :: [x86_64] #2100 python3-module-cvxopt: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:11:17 :: [i586] #2500 luminance-hdr: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:11:33 :: [x86_64] #2100 python3-module-cvxopt-debuginfo:
install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qgis=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
x86_64: qgis=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:12:15 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:12:50 :: [i586] #2500 luminance-hdr-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:13:16 :: [i586] #2400 nip2: install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qgis-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
2017-Sep-01 14:13:42 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:13:52 :: [i586] #2400 nip2-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:14:09 :: [i586] #2400 nip2-doc: install check OK
i586: ocaml-gsl=1.19.3-alt4.S1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:14:30 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:14:30 :: [i586] #400 ocaml-gsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:14:54 :: [i586] #400 ocaml-gsl-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:15:16 :: [i586] #400 ocaml-gsl-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:15:45 :: [i586] #2300 pfstools: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:16:04 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-devel-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:16:40 :: [i586] #2300 pfstools-debuginfo: install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qgis-grass=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
x86_64: qgis-grass=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:16:46 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-grass: install check OK
i586: pspp=1.0.1-alt1 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:17:07 :: [i586] #2200 pspp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:17:42 :: [i586] #2200 pspp-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:18:01 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt: install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qgis-grass-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2: circular
dependencies on qgis-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2
2017-Sep-01 14:18:13 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-grass-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:18:25 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:18:40 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-doc: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:18:55 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-examples:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:18:59 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-python: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:19:11 :: [i586] #2100 python-module-cvxopt-pickles:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:19:30 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:19:51 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:20:22 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl-devel: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:20:35 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-python-debuginfo: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:20:38 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl-docs: install
check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:20:57 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl-examples:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:21:18 :: [i586] #1400 python-module-pygsl-testing:
install check OK
x86_64: qgis-server=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:21:22 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-server: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:21:41 :: [i586] #1400
python-module-pygsl-testing-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:22:00 :: [i586] #2100 python3-module-cvxopt: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:22:25 :: [i586] #2100 python3-module-cvxopt-debuginfo:
install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:23:01 :: [x86_64] #2000 qgis-server-debuginfo: install
check OK
warning [i586]: qgis=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
i586: qgis=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:23:12 :: [i586] #2000 qgis: install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qtiplot= circular
dependencies on qtiplot-data=
2017-Sep-01 14:23:29 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot: install check OK
warning [x86_64]: qtiplot-data= circular
dependencies on qtiplot=
2017-Sep-01 14:23:56 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:24:34 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot-debuginfo: install check OK
warning [i586]: qgis-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
2017-Sep-01 14:24:51 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-debuginfo: install check OK
x86_64: qtiplot-manual-html= post-install
unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:24:52 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot-manual-html: install check OK
x86_64: qtiplot-manual-pdf= post-install
unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:25:08 :: [x86_64] #1300 qtiplot-manual-pdf: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:25:24 :: [x86_64] #1700 sipp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:25:44 :: [x86_64] #1700 sipp-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:25:48 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-devel: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:26:01 :: [x86_64] #1500 unnethack: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:26:19 :: [x86_64] #1500 unnethack-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:26:40 :: [x86_64] #1000 xaos: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:27:08 :: [x86_64] #1000 xaos-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:27:38 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-devel-debuginfo: install check OK
warning [i586]: qgis-grass=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies on
i586: qgis-grass=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:28:24 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-grass: install check OK
warning [i586]: qgis-grass-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2: circular dependencies
on qgis-debuginfo=2.18.12-alt2
2017-Sep-01 14:30:00 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-grass-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:30:51 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-python: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:32:36 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-python-debuginfo: install check OK
i586: qgis-server=2.18.12-alt2 post-install unowned files:
2017-Sep-01 14:33:21 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-server: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:34:57 :: [i586] #2000 qgis-server-debuginfo: install check OK
warning [i586]: qtiplot= circular dependencies
on qtiplot-data=
2017-Sep-01 14:35:28 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot: install check OK
warning [i586]: qtiplot-data= circular
dependencies on qtiplot=
2017-Sep-01 14:35:56 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot-data: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:36:38 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot-debuginfo: install check OK
i586: qtiplot-manual-html= post-install unowned
2017-Sep-01 14:36:55 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot-manual-html: install check OK
i586: qtiplot-manual-pdf= post-install unowned
2017-Sep-01 14:37:11 :: [i586] #1300 qtiplot-manual-pdf: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:37:27 :: [i586] #1700 sipp: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:37:47 :: [i586] #1700 sipp-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:38:02 :: [i586] #1500 unnethack: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:38:20 :: [i586] #1500 unnethack-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:38:42 :: [i586] #1000 xaos: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:39:11 :: [i586] #1000 xaos-debuginfo: install check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:39:31 :: [x86_64-i586] plan: #128 +128 -131 =11511
2017-Sep-01 14:45:47 :: [x86_64-i586] arepo build OK
2017-Sep-01 14:46:06 :: [x86_64-i586] generated apt indices
2017-Sep-01 14:46:06 :: [x86_64-i586] created next repo
2017-Sep-01 14:46:15 :: [x86_64-i586] dependencies check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:46:28 :: gears inheritance check OK
2017-Sep-01 14:46:29 :: srpm inheritance check OK
girar-check-perms: access to gsl90 ALLOWED for darktemplar: project is
girar-check-perms: access to gsl ALLOWED for darktemplar: project is
girar-check-perms: access to labplot ALLOWED for darktemplar: project is
girar-check-perms: access to ocaml-gsl ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to bogofilter ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to gnustep-FisicaLab ALLOWED for darktemplar:
project is orphaned
girar-check-perms: access to gnuradio ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to xaos ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to ThePEG ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to inkscape ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to qtiplot ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to python-module-pygsl ALLOWED for
darktemplar: project leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to unnethack ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to tamu_anova ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
is orphaned
girar-check-perms: access to sipp DENIED for darktemplar: does not
belong to approved builders list: mithraen sipp: Operation not permitted
girar-check-perms: access to qgis ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to python-module-cvxopt ALLOWED for
darktemplar: project leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to pspp ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to pfstools ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to nip2 ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to luminance-hdr DENIED for darktemplar: does
not belong to approved builders list: aris luminance-hdr: Operation not
girar-check-perms: access to lib2geom ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to kde5-step ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to indilib DENIED for darktemplar: does not
belong to approved builders list: zerg indilib: Operation not permitted
girar-check-perms: access to kde4edu ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to guvcview DENIED for darktemplar: does not
belong to approved builders list: aris svyt @qa
guvcview: Operation not permitted
girar-check-perms: access to gromacs ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to gambas3 ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to enblend ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
girar-check-perms: access to kf5-kproperty ALLOWED for darktemplar:
project `kf5-kproperty' is not listed in acl file for repository `sisyphus'
girar-check-perms: access to kf5-kreport ALLOWED for darktemplar:
project `kf5-kreport' is not listed in acl file for repository `sisyphus'
girar-check-perms: access to calligra ALLOWED for darktemplar: project
leader welcomes random builders
2017-Sep-01 14:46:31 :: acl check FAILED
2017-Sep-01 14:46:33 :: task #187633 for sisyphus EPERM
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