[devel] cups-filters/ghostscript-cups conflict

Michael Shigorin mike на osdn.org.ua
Вт Сен 17 12:22:42 MSK 2013

Господа хорошие, у меня сломалась сборка regular-kde4:

n01:~/mkimage/mkimage-profiles> make regular-kde4.iso
** ARCH: x86_64
12:14:02 cleaning up (NB: DEBUG scope is limited when CLEAN is enabled)
12:14:03 initializing BUILDDIR: build/
12:14:03 preparing distro config: build/distcfg.mk
12:14:08 starting image build: tail -f build/build.log
12:14:56 failed, see log above
file /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstopxl conflicts between attempted installs of ghostscript-cups-9.07-alt1 and cups-filters-1.0.38-alt1
file /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster conflicts between attempted installs of ghostscript-cups-9.07-alt1 and cups-filters-1.0.38-alt1
hsh-install: Packages installation failed.
make[1]: *** [build-image] Ошибка 2

Прошу починить, в идеале до завтрашнего сизифа.

Изменялся последним cups-filters.

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin / http://altlinux.org
  ------ http://opennet.ru / http://anna-news.info

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