[devel] Оптимизированные для i686 и выше библиотеки.
Alexey Tourbin
at на altlinux.ru
Чт Сен 2 17:06:07 UTC 2010
On Wed, Sep 01, 2010 at 11:38:06AM +0400, Konstantin Pavlov wrote:
> > I'm not trying to say that 1 percent is not worthwhile (which is probably
> > not, though). What I'm curious about is why you tend to support stupid
> > ideas. Like, no numbers, but we feel you're one of us, aren't you?
> Пожалуйста, не пишите того, чего не знаете или не удосужились подождать.
> Вы, like, бакланопоцтитом болеете.
> http://www.altlinux.org/FFmpeg#.D0.91.D0.B5.D0.BD.D1.87.D0.BC.D0.B0.D1.80.D0.BA_.D1.81_CMOV
So it seems that you get, at best, something like one percent.
Which is merely better that nothing.
Um, there's a famous Linus' rant about CMOV out there, and he says that,
quote, CMOV is a piece of CRAP, unquote.
You know, like, that CMOV, CRAP things. Are you still comfortable with
four-letter words?
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