[devel] I: git.alt task-add copy/del enhancements

Dmitry V. Levin ldv на altlinux.org
Вт Мар 2 01:05:55 UTC 2010


1. girar now checks for package existence for copy/del subtasks during
"task add".  That is, you no longer have to wait for task build failure
just to find out that you've misspelled a package name.

2. girar no longer checks ACL permissions for copy/del subtasks during
"task add".  Instead, it does the check after build, at the same time
as it checks permissions for real build subtasks.  That is, now you can
approve a copy/del subtask the same way as other kinds of subtasks.

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Имя     : отсутствует
Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 198 байтов
Описание: отсутствует
Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20100302/4892c1c2/attachment.bin>

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