[devel] [PATCH 0/3] optimize rpmsetcmp()

Alexey Tourbin at на altlinux.ru
Сб Дек 4 17:05:57 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 07:52:44PM +0300, Dmitry V. Levin wrote:
> > RPM goes reasonably fast, and it's not exactly "slower".
> > Something that might be called unreasonable is behind the RPM. 
> > 
> > I can't see why rpm is now 10x times slower.
> > Slower compared to... what?
> You cannot dismiss arguments so freely.  The abovementioned command
> "apt-shell < /dev/null" from apt-0.5.15lorg2-alt33 works 10x times slower
> after update from librpm-4.0.4-alt98.45 to librpm-4.0.4-alt98.49.
> No matter how unreasonable apt is, it was rpm update that slowed it down.

Okay, what's the exact reason everything went 10x times slower?

> -- 
> ldv

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