[devel] [PATCH 0/3] optimize rpmsetcmp()

Alexey Tourbin at на altlinux.ru
Сб Дек 4 16:55:36 UTC 2010

On Sat, Dec 04, 2010 at 07:30:49PM +0300, Dmitry V. Levin wrote:
> > I think I've made more amazing a change.
> > http://git.altlinux.org/gears/r/rpm.git?a=commitdiff;h=fc5b5a5f
> Have you tried to combine both optimizations?

What's the criteria of doing good enough?
I always thought that 'char bitv[]' is good enough.
Let's call it a reference implementation.

Kirill argued that changing bitv to bitmap could actually win both
some space and some time, as there's a possibility to handle 6 bits
at a time, and even Mshift bits at a time.  

The problem is that, well, *bitv++ is replaced with something else.
The code will be no longer a reference implementation.

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