[devel] [Fwd: Пятая платформа: Technology Preview]

Mikhail Gusarov dottedmag на altlinux.org
Чт Июн 25 13:42:04 MSD 2009

Twas brillig at 15:40:05 25.06.2009 UTC+06 when ildar на altlinux.ru did gyre and gimble:

 IM> virt-manager

[dottedmag на vertex:~]% virt-manager --help
Usage: virt-manager.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --profile=FILE        Generate runtime performance profile stats
  -c URI, --connect=URI
                        Connect to hypervisor at URI
  --debug               Print debug output to stdout (requires --no-fork)
  --no-dbus             Disable DBus service for controlling UI
  --no-fork             Don't fork into background on startup
  --no-conn-autostart   Do not autostart connections
                        Create a new virtual machine
                        Edit a domain configuration
                        Show a domain performance
                        Show a domain console
  --show-host-summary   Show a host summary

Не вижу ни "создать", ни "остановить", а уж про модификацию IP и речи не

И ещё vzctl enter!


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Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 834 байтов
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Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20090625/54d938ce/attachment-0001.bin>

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