[devel] shebang.req (Sisyphus-20080916 i586 beehive_status)

Alexey Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eru?=
Вт Сен 16 12:03:17 MSD 2008

On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 12:57:05AM +0400, QA Team Robot wrote:
> gettext-lint-0.4-alt2
> 	shebang.req.files: executable script
> 	/usr/src/tmp/gettext-lint-buildroot/usr/share/gettext-lint/Glossary.py is not executable
> 	shebang.req: ERROR: /usr/src/tmp/gettext-lint-buildroot/usr/bin/POFileClean: trailing
> 	<CR> in interpreter: #!/usr/bin/python<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	File listed twice: /usr/share/gettext-lint

Я реализовал проверку на запускаемость скриптов: имя интерпретатора
не должно оканчиваться на <CR> (то есть '\r'), а при запуске через
/usr/bin/env интерпретатору нельзя передавать аргументы.  Проверка
выполняется только для исполняемых скриптов.

Попалось 3 или 4 пакета с настоящими ошибками (в /usr/bin лежат скрипты,
которые невозможно запустить естественным способом), пакет povray с
какими-то своими приватными скриптами, а также два питоновских пакета,
в которых *.py модули запакованы исполняемыми.

Для питоновских модулей достаточно сделать 'chmod -x .../*.py',
потому что питон нормально воспринимает модули с CRLF.

С другой стороны, /bin/sh не может выполнять скрипты с CRLF вообще (даже
если они загружаются через ".").  Такие скрипты надо конвертировать:

perl -pi -e 's/\r\n/\n/' *.sh

commit d0c2f92f051142e398f7f75a753b5a888fa520c9
Author: Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux>
Date:   Sat Sep 13 11:08:31 2008 +0400

    shebang.req: validate argc and <CR>
    1) In Linux, execve(2) does not split shebang arguments, which implies
    that effectively only one argument can be passed to the interpreter.
    However, some interpreters, esp. perl, can do a magic here, which is
    to split its arguments.
    2) Neither /usr/bin/env can split arguments, and no magic is possible
    at all.
    3) Interpreter path (or name) must not end with <CR>, otherwise execve
    (resp. /usr/bin/env) is deemed to fail.  However, some interpreters,
    esp. perl, can strip trailing <CR> in its command line options.

diff --git a/scripts/shebang.req.in b/scripts/shebang.req.in
index 4b59a66..ce14f29 100755
--- a/scripts/shebang.req.in
+++ b/scripts/shebang.req.in
@@ -1,4 +1,14 @@
 #!/bin/sh -efu
+# Make dependencies for for the first line in scripts.
+# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix)
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008  Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux.org>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
 . @RPMCONFIGDIR@/functions
 . @RPMCONFIGDIR@/find-package
@@ -9,11 +19,50 @@ ShebangReq()
 	line=$(sed -n '1s|^#![[:space:]]*/|/|p;q' "$f")
 	[ -n "$line" ] || return 0
 	set -- $line
+	CR=$'\r'
+	line="#!$(echo "$line" |sed -e "s/$CR/<CR>/g")"
+	CheckInterp()
+	{
+		case "$1" in
+			*"$CR") ;;
+			*) return 0 ;;
+		esac
+		Fatal "$f: trailing <CR> in interpreter: $line"
+	}
+	CheckArgs()
+	{
+		case "$*" in
+			*"$CR") ;;
+			*) return 0 ;;
+		esac
+		Warning "$f: trailing <CR> in arguments: $line"
+	}
 	case "$#,$1" in
+		1,*)
+			CheckInterp "$1"
+			FindPackage "$f" "$1"
+			;;
-			FindPackage "$f" "$1" "$2" ;;
+			CheckInterp "$2"
+			FindPackage "$f" "$1" "$2"
+			;;
+		2,*)
+			CheckArgs "$2"
+			FindPackage "$f" "$1"
+			;;
+		*,/usr/bin/env)
+			CheckArgs "$*"
+			Fatal "$f: too many arguments: $line"
+			;;
-			FindPackage "$f" "$1" ;;
+			CheckArgs "$*"
+			Warning "$f: too many arguments: $line"
+			FindPackage "$f" "$1"
+			;;

> gle-4.1.2-alt1.beta
> 	/bin/install -p -m 644 build/inittex.ini /usr/src/tmp/gle-buildroot/usr/share/gle/4.1.2
> 	/bin/install: cannot stat `build/inittex.ini': No such file or directory
> 	make: [pre_install] Error 1 (ignored)
> 	--
> 	find-requires: running scripts
> 	(files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,shebang,shell,static,symlinks)
> 	shebang.req: ERROR: /usr/src/tmp/gle-buildroot/usr/bin/bbox_gle: trailing <CR> in
> 	interpreter: #!/bin/sh<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	/bin/sh failed

> povray-3.6-alt2
> 	find-requires: running scripts
> 	(files,lib,pam,perl,pkgconfig,pkgconfiglib,python,shebang,shell,static,symlinks)
> 	shebang.req: ERROR: /usr/src/tmp/povray-buildroot/usr/share/povray-3.6/scripts/rerunpov.sh:
> 	trailing <CR> in interpreter: #!/bin/sh<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	/bin/sh failed

> python-module-OpenGL-
> 	shebang.req.files: executable script
> 	/usr/src/tmp/python-module-OpenGL-buildroot/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OpenGL/WGL/__init__.py
> 	is not executable
> 	shebang.req: ERROR:
> 	/usr/src/tmp/python-module-OpenGL-buildroot/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/OpenGL/Tk/__init__.py:
> 	trailing <CR> in interpreter: #!/usr/bin/env python<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	/bin/sh failed

> python-module-silvercity-0.9.7-alt1.1
> 	/usr/lib/rpm/python.req.py:
> 	/usr/src/tmp/python-module-silvercity-buildroot/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/SilverCity/__init__.py:
> 	line=10 IGNORE module=os
> 	shebang.req: ERROR:
> 	/usr/src/tmp/python-module-silvercity-buildroot/usr/bin/cgi-styler-form.py: trailing <CR>
> 	in interpreter: #!/usr/bin/env python<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	/bin/sh failed

> stardict-tools-2.4.8-alt1
> 	/usr/src/tmp/stardict-tools-buildroot/usr/bin/ncce2stardict.pl syntax OK
> 	shebang.req: ERROR: /usr/src/tmp/stardict-tools-buildroot/usr/bin/hanzim2dict.py:
> 	trailing <CR> in interpreter: #!/usr/bin/env python<CR>
> 	find-requires: ERROR: /usr/lib/rpm/shebang.req failed
> 	RPM build errors:
> 	error: /bin/sh failed
> 	error: Failed to find Requires
> 	/bin/sh failed
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Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 197 байтов
Описание: =?iso-8859-1?q?=CF=D4=D3=D5=D4=D3=D4=D7=D5=C5=D4?=
Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20080916/1ae69b98/attachment-0002.bin>

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