[devel] menu DURING_INSTALL
Alexey I. Froloff
Вт Ноя 11 15:39:36 MSK 2008
* Alexey Tourbin <at@> [081111 15:21]:
> Согласно locale(7), в качестве языка для надписей меню надо выбирать
> сначала LC_ALL, потом (если LC_ALL пустой) LC_MESSAGES, LANGUAGE, потом
> LANG, потом "C".
LANGUAGE - GNU'тое расширение, и в locale(7) про него ни слова не
написано. man-pages-3.09-alt1.
Во-первых там список, во вторых оно таки игнорирует LC_ALL,
LC_xxx и LANG, если локаль не C.
This is done through a different environment variable, called
LANGUAGE. GNU gettext gives preference to LANGUAGE over LC_ALL
and LANG for the purpose of message handling, but you still need
to have LANG (or LC_ALL) set to the primary language; this is
required by other parts of the system libraries. For example,
some Swedish users who would rather read translations in German
than English for when Swedish is not available, set LANGUAGE to
'sv:de' while leaving LANG to 'sv_SE'.
Note: The variable LANGUAGE is ignored if the locale is set to
'C'. In other words, you have to first enable localization, by
setting LANG (or LC_ALL) to a value other than 'C', before you
can use a language priority list through the LANGUAGE variable.
Sir Raorn.
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