[devel] (gcc-gnat) repocop-lintian: bad-permissions-for-ali-file
Igor Vlasenko
Вт Май 6 11:31:31 MSD 2008
Господа, есть ругань на наши gcc-gnat.
Tag: bad-permissions-for-ali-file
Type: warning
Info: Ada Library Information (*.ali) files are required to be read-only
(mode 0444) by GNAT.
If at least one user can write the *.ali file, GNAT considers whether
or not to recompile the corresponding source file. Such recompilation
would fail because normal users don't have write permission on the
files. Moreover, such recompilation would defeat the purpose of
library packages, which provide *.a and *.so libraries to link against).
Dr. Igor Vlasenko
Topology Department
Institute of Math
Kiev, Ukraine
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