[devel] лицензия
Alexander Bokovoy
Пн Июн 23 12:54:19 MSD 2008
2008/6/23 Sergey Balbeko <balbeko на altlinux.org>:
> http://pastebin.com/f352c3d25
> гляньте, это сильно варез,или допустимо в сизиф?
Это в Сизиф (и любой другой публичный репозитарий) недопустимо:
Licensee may not redistribute the Product unless for personal or
internal business purposes. Redistribution must be free except possibly for
media or bandwidth costs, and redistributed files must be the original package
as obtained from Secway, without any modification. Distribution of the Product
or its package aggregated with other programs as part of a larger (possibly
commercial) software distribution may be permitted by a written agreement from
Secway. Such distribution is also governed by terms of this license agreement
plus amendments possibly made by the written agreement.
/ Alexander Bokovoy
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