[devel] [Fwd: [Synce-devel] SynCE 0.10.0 released]

Genix =?iso-8859-1?q?genix_=CE=C1_list=2Eru?=
Пн Май 14 09:06:18 MSD 2007


У кого нибудь есть устройства на базе WinMobile 5?
Нужна помощь, хотя бы в тестировании.

-------- Исходное сообщение --------
Тема: 	[Synce-devel] SynCE 0.10.0 released
Дата: 	Sun, 06 May 2007 17:33:30 +0100
От: 	Jonny Lamb <jonnylamb на jonnylamb.com>
Кому: 	synce-announce на lists.sourceforge.net
Копия: 	synce-windowsmobile5 на lists.sourceforge.net, 
synce-users на lists.sourceforge.net, synce-devel на lists.sourceforge.net

After roughly a years wait, and no thanks to the new protocols in
Windows Mobile 5, SynCE 0.10.0 is out! There are many new features,
 * Windows Mobile 5 support 
 * Early Windows Mobile 6 support 
 * New sync engine, and OpenSync plugin 
 * New dccm implementation, odccm 
 * Python bindings for rapi2, rra 
 * New library for compressed RTF 
 * And much more, including countless bug fixes...

SynCE will be going through many updates in the near future, so stay

Jonny Lamb, UK                               jonnylamb на jonnylamb.com
http://jonnylamb.com                                 GPG: 0x2E039402

У каждого в башке свои тараканы...

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