[devel] [git update] packages/rpm-utils: heads/master

Alexey Tourbin at на altlinux.ru
Вс Мар 18 22:52:54 MSK 2007

On Sun, Mar 18, 2007 at 10:31:36PM +0300, Dmitry V. Levin wrote:
> >     That said, I am going to consider only the following system calls:
> >     1) Strong system calls -- open and execve.
> >     2) Weak system calls -- stat and access.
> >     Note that I actually grep them by prefix to allow stat64 or something.
> ptrace(2) is expensive tool.  If strace TF selector is not optimal for
> our needs, then we could consider implementing new strace selector, e.g.
> TB (trace=buildreq).

We can always pass to strace(1) the exact list of system calls we want.
So there's no essential need for new strace selectors.  The only thing
that stopped me from implementing --trace=open,execve,... argument for
/usr/share/buildreqs/strace_files is that actually I would have to deal
with stat/stat64 difference somehow.
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