[devel] Fw: New desktop-file-utils release

Alexey Rusakov =?iso-8859-1?q?ktirf_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eorg?=
Вт Июн 5 03:19:26 MSD 2007

Думаю, в Сизиф можно закинуть.

Дата: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 01:09:34 +0200
От: Vincent Untz <vuntz на gnome.org>
Кому: distributor-list на gnome.org
Тема: New desktop-file-utils release


(I'm not sending this to gnome-announce-list, since I'd like to get
attention of downstream packagers :-))

I made a new release of desktop-file-utils, available at
http://people.freedesktop.org/~vuntz/ for now (I don't have write access
to http://www.freedesktop.org/software/desktop-file-utils/releases/ but
as soon as I'll get it, it'll be uploaded there).

This release features a rewritten-from-scratch desktop file validator.
It should work better, and it has been updated for the last version of
the desktop entry spec. However, since it's been rewritten, it's
likely that new bugs have been introduced.

I'd love to get this packaged in unstable versions of distributions.
It's probably not reasonable to have it in stable versions. Also, it'd
be interesting to know of files which are not valid but that
desktop-file-validate validates. (I'm slowly building a test suite to
avoid regressions)

If there's any bug, bugzilla.freedesktop.org is your friend :-)



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  Alexey "Ktirf" Rusakov
  GNOME Project
  ALT Linux Team

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