[devel] Fwd: lj_udrepper: Text Relocations

Alexey Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eru?=
Вт Июн 6 19:29:21 MSD 2006

textrelocs.html -- довольно интересный текст.

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Text Relocations at 03-06-2006 17:50:03
   People treated creating DSOs with text relocations so far cavalier
   offense. The runtime automatically works around the problems the
   programmers are responsible for and the costs and risks are not
   immediately visible unless one thinks about the issue.

   This changed with the SELinux memory protection bits which are enabled
   in FC5 and later. Text relocations are a fatal flaw of a DSO or PIE
   and must be avoided. Since people complain that it's hard to fix the
   problem I've written code and wrote a little article on [0] how to fix

   For completeness I should mention that it is possible to label DSOs so
   that the kernel allows text relocations. This is done using the
   textrel_shlib_t label. But this really never should be regarded as a
   solution, it's a work-around. Denying text relocations is a major
   security feature.

   [0] http://people.redhat.com/drepper/textrelocs.html

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