[devel] шрифты по умолчанию (помните инсталер?)

Michael Shigorin =?iso-8859-1?q?mike_=CE=C1_osdn=2Eorg=2Eua?=
Ср Июл 12 11:29:18 MSD 2006

Возможно, вскоре пригодится при выборе:

In 2003, type design company Bitstream, in conjunction with the
GNOME Foundation, released a font family called Vera for
open-source use. Under the license terms, anyone was permitted to
make new fonts based on Vera, as long as the derivatives were
given a different name. Now, with Vera essentially dormant, an
international group has picked up work on an offshoot called
DejaVu. There are other Vera derivatives, such as Erav. But
DejaVu has caught on widely enough for it to be the default font
for Dapper Drake, the latest update to Ubuntu Linux. It may also
become the default font for Red Hat's Fedora version of Linux.


 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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