[devel] Fwd: Re: [apt-rpm] 0.5.15cnc7 release candidate

Alexey Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eru?=
Сб Мар 26 07:49:43 MSK 2005

APT кончился.

----- Forwarded message from Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer на conectiva.com> -----

Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 17:24:53 -0300
From: Gustavo Niemeyer <niemeyer на conectiva.com>
Subject: Re: [apt-rpm] 0.5.15cnc7 release candidate
To: Richard Bos <richard.bos на xs4all.nl>
Cc: apt-rpm на distro2.conectiva.com.br
Message-ID: <20050324202453.GA16681 на burma.localdomain>
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.6i

Hello Richard,

> what is the current status of apt-rpm.  Is the RC good,

Good question. Have you checked it out?

> will it be released officially soon, something else?

Yes, I'll try to release it today.

Given my current task assignments, and the fact that I consider
Smart Package Manager a successful project which was born trying
to solve some of the problems existent in the way APT handles
information, I also belive that this will be one of the last
APT-RPM releases I do.

I'd like to thank everyone involved in the project so far,
and say that I'm sorry for being unable to dedicate time
for it lately.

Best regards,

Gustavo Niemeyer
apt-rpm mailing list
apt-rpm на distro2.conectiva.com.br

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