[devel] Fwd: [Bram@: Re: vim7 and xterm variants]
Alexey I. Froloff
Пт Мар 25 17:54:07 MSK 2005
Предыстория - Bram слегка изменил встроенные termcap'ы в vim7 и в
консоли отвалилась поддержка кнопок Home и End, причём в xterm
работает только End, а в aterm только Home.
xterm генерит \e[1~/\e[4~, aterm - \e[7~/\e[8~
Не пора ли привести всё это к общему знаменателю?
P.S. 2 ldv: Дим, я заберу aterm? 1.0beta2 допилю на выходных,
utempter оно умеет.
----- Forwarded message from Bram Moolenaar <Bram на moolenaar.net> -----
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 13:08:53 +0100
From: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@>
To: "Alexey I. Froloff" <raorn@>
Subject: Re: vim7 and xterm variants
For me the xterm always produces \eOH and \eOF without a modifier key
and \e[1;*H and \e[1;*F with a modifier key. The xterm documentation
mentions the other codes \e[1~ and \e[4~ for the VT220 keypad. Oh, it
seems I used 7 instead of 1 for the home key here. I'll fix that.
I can't find anything about \e[7~ and \e[8~ in the xterm documentation.
Since I needed to define the new sequences to allow all kinds of
modifiers I dropped these. If these would also need to be supported I
would have to introduce yet another HOME key alternative.
> So, I'd like to know why you've made these changes and who is
> really wrong - builtin termcaps or my terminal emulators?
I made these changes to be able to accept modifiers as xterm sends them
for function keys.
After fixing the mistake with <Home> it should be OK. rxvt and aterm
appear to send different sequences for <Home> and <End>, thus you need
to use a different termcap entry for them. I don't know if there is
some historical reason they use different codes than xterm. You might
want to ask their mainainers.
----- End forwarded message -----
Regards, Sir Raorn.
Я - за. Но я знаю людей, которые будут против. ;-(
-- rider in devel@
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