[devel] Re: perl и squid

Alexey Tourbin at на altlinux.ru
Пт Мар 25 19:04:54 MSK 2005

On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 11:44:18AM +0200, Andrei Bulava wrote:
> $ locate shellwords.pl
> /usr/lib/perl5/shellwords.pl
> $ rpm -qf /usr/lib/perl5/shellwords.pl
> perl4-compat-5.8.6-alt3.1

Имеется drop-in replacement: вместо
require "shellwords.pl";
do "shellwords.pl";

нужно написать
use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords);
use Text::ParseWords qw(old_shellwords);

Последний вариант наиболее близко mimics старый код из shellwords.pl,
который больше не поддерживается.  Собственно, наличие некоторого
количества такого кода + генерат h2ph навело меня на мысль поместить
всё это в отдельный пакет perl4-compat.  Наличие этого пакета в систем
может означать также наличие в системе перлового кода, написанного
10 или более лет назад (и с тех пор по существу не перерабатывавшегося).
Правда, я сделал маленькое послабление для autoconf_2.13.

Кстати, при моем участии в новой версии перла...
(неподдерживаемого кода в shellwords.pl не останется)

Change 23838 by rgs на grubert on 2005/01/20 18:21:36

	Subject: Re: [perl #33173] shellwords.pl and tainting
	From: Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux.ru>
	Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 22:29:37 +0300
	Message-ID: <20041228192937.GB7824 на solemn.turbinal.org>

Affected files ...

... //depot/perl/MANIFEST#1210 edit
... //depot/perl/lib/Text/ParseWords.pm#21 edit
... //depot/perl/lib/Text/ParseWords/taint.t#1 add
... //depot/perl/lib/shellwords.pl#8 edit

Differences ...

==== //depot/perl/MANIFEST#1210 (text) ====
Index: perl/MANIFEST
--- perl/MANIFEST#1209~23836~	Thu Jan 20 05:21:14 2005
+++ perl/MANIFEST	Thu Jan 20 10:21:36 2005
@@ -1865,6 +1865,7 @@
 lib/Text/Balanced/t/gentag.t	See if Text::Balanced works
 lib/Text/ParseWords.pm		Perl module to split words on arbitrary delimiter
 lib/Text/ParseWords.t		See if Text::ParseWords works
+lib/Text/ParseWords/taint.t	See if Text::ParseWords works with tainting
 lib/Text/Soundex.pm		Perl module to implement Soundex
 lib/Text/Soundex.t		See if Soundex works
 lib/Text/Tabs.pm		Do expand and unexpand

==== //depot/perl/lib/Text/ParseWords.pm#21 (text) ====
Index: perl/lib/Text/ParseWords.pm
--- perl/lib/Text/ParseWords.pm#20~23060~	Tue Jul  6 14:43:05 2004
+++ perl/lib/Text/ParseWords.pm	Thu Jan 20 10:21:36 2005
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 sub shellwords {
-    local(@lines) = @_;
+    my(@lines) = @_;
     $lines[$#lines] =~ s/\s+$//;
     return(quotewords('\s+', 0, @lines));
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@
 sub quotewords {
     my($delim, $keep, @lines) = @_;
     my($line, @words, @allwords);
     foreach $line (@lines) {
 	@words = parse_line($delim, $keep, $line);
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@
 sub nested_quotewords {
     my($delim, $keep, @lines) = @_;
     my($i, @allwords);
     for ($i = 0; $i < @lines; $i++) {
 	@{$allwords[$i]} = parse_line($delim, $keep, $lines[$i]);
 	return() unless (@{$allwords[$i]} || !length($lines[$i]));
@@ -48,13 +47,11 @@
 sub parse_line {
-	# We will be testing undef strings
-	no warnings;
-	use re 'taint'; # if it's tainted, leave it as such
     my($delimiter, $keep, $line) = @_;
     my($word, @pieces);
+    no warnings 'uninitialized';	# we will be testing undef strings
     while (length($line)) {
 	$line =~ s/^(["'])			# a $quote
         	    ((?:\\.|(?!\1)[^\\])*)	# and $quoted text
@@ -77,6 +74,7 @@
 		$quoted =~ s/\\([\\'])/$1/g if ( $PERL_SINGLE_QUOTE && $quote eq "'");
+        $word .= substr($line, 0, 0);	# leave results tainted
         $word .= defined $quote ? $quoted : $unquoted;
         if (length($delim)) {
@@ -100,41 +98,48 @@
     #	@words = old_shellwords($line);
     #	or
     #	@words = old_shellwords(@lines);
+    #	or
+    #	@words = old_shellwords();	# defaults to $_ (and clobbers it)
-    local($_) = join('', @_);
-    my(@words,$snippet,$field);
+    no warnings 'uninitialized';	# we will be testing undef strings
+    local *_ = \join('', @_) if @_;
+    my (@words, $snippet);
-    s/^\s+//;
+    s/\A\s+//;
     while ($_ ne '') {
-	$field = '';
+	my $field = substr($_, 0, 0);	# leave results tainted
 	for (;;) {
-	    if (s/^"(([^"\\]|\\.)*)"//) {
-		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
+	    if (s/\A"(([^"\\]|\\.)*)"//s) {
+		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#sg;
-	    elsif (/^"/) {
+	    elsif (/\A"/) {
+		require Carp;
+		Carp::carp("Unmatched double quote: $_");
-	    elsif (s/^'(([^'\\]|\\.)*)'//) {
-		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#g;
+	    elsif (s/\A'(([^'\\]|\\.)*)'//s) {
+		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#sg;
-	    elsif (/^'/) {
+	    elsif (/\A'/) {
+		require Carp;
+		Carp::carp("Unmatched single quote: $_");
-	    elsif (s/^\\(.)//) {
+	    elsif (s/\A\\(.)//s) {
 		$snippet = $1;
-	    elsif (s/^([^\s\\'"]+)//) {
+	    elsif (s/\A([^\s\\'"]+)//) {
 		$snippet = $1;
 	    else {
-		s/^\s+//;
+		s/\A\s+//;
 	    $field .= $snippet;
 	push(@words, $field);
-    @words;
+    return @words;

==== //depot/perl/lib/Text/ParseWords/taint.t#1 (text) ====
Index: perl/lib/Text/ParseWords/taint.t
--- /dev/null	Tue May  5 13:32:27 1998
+++ perl/lib/Text/ParseWords/taint.t	Thu Jan 20 10:21:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!./perl -Tw
+# [perl #33173] shellwords.pl and tainting
+    chdir 't' if -d 't';
+    @INC = '../lib';
+    require Config;
+    if ($Config::Config{extensions} !~ /\bList\/Util\b/) {
+	print "1..0 # Skip: Scalar::Util was not built\n";
+	exit 0;
+    }
+use Text::ParseWords qw(shellwords old_shellwords);
+use Scalar::Util qw(tainted);
+print "1..2\n";
+print "not " if grep { not tainted($_) } shellwords("$0$^X");
+print "ok 1\n";
+print "not " if grep { not tainted($_) } old_shellwords("$0$^X");
+print "ok 2\n";

==== //depot/perl/lib/shellwords.pl#8 (text) ====
Index: perl/lib/shellwords.pl
--- perl/lib/shellwords.pl#7~23681~	Fri Dec 24 05:51:59 2004
+++ perl/lib/shellwords.pl	Thu Jan 20 10:21:36 2005
@@ -8,40 +8,7 @@
 ;#	or
 ;#	@words = shellwords();		# defaults to $_ (and clobbers it)
-sub shellwords {
-    local *_ = \join('', @_) if @_;
-    my (@words, $snippet);
+require Text::ParseWords;
+*shellwords = \&Text::ParseWords::old_shellwords;
-    s/\A\s+//;
-    while ($_ ne '') {
-	my $field = substr($_, 0, 0);	# leave results tainted
-	for (;;) {
-	    if (s/\A"(([^"\\]|\\.)*)"//s) {
-		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#sg;
-	    }
-	    elsif (/\A"/) {
-		die "Unmatched double quote: $_\n";
-	    }
-	    elsif (s/\A'(([^'\\]|\\.)*)'//s) {
-		($snippet = $1) =~ s#\\(.)#$1#sg;
-	    }
-	    elsif (/\A'/) {
-		die "Unmatched single quote: $_\n";
-	    }
-	    elsif (s/\A\\(.)//s) {
-		$snippet = $1;
-	    }
-	    elsif (s/\A([^\s\\'"]+)//) {
-		$snippet = $1;
-	    }
-	    else {
-		s/\A\s+//;
-		last;
-	    }
-	    $field .= $snippet;
-	}
-	push(@words, $field);
-    }
-    return @words;
End of Patch.

> -- 
> // AB1002-UANIC
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