[devel] FYI: Quake2Forge

Alexey I. Froloff raorn на immo.ru
Ср Мар 17 10:00:02 MSK 2004

Для тех, кому интересно:


Posted on 16 Mar 2004 by Jaq

    Quake2Forge 0.3

    Well, it's about time. Quake2Forge now has a pluggable sound
    architecture, which means you can choose from your favourite
    sound API to play Quake II under. Currently there's a new
    ALSA driver, a libao driver, the old SDL sound driver makes a
    comeback, and the ol' faithful OSS driver. There's a Solaris
    native driver too.

    A bug in the joystick code has been fixed, too, so the game
    will now start if the joystick code is compiled in.

Regards, Sir Raorn.
Просьба первый пятый абзац отключить. :)
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