[devel] required reading
Michael Shigorin
Ср Июн 30 14:56:01 MSD 2004
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Interestingly, we're seeing definite signs of pushback against
the complexity. The "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it
any more" meme is starting to spread among developers, but it's a
slow business.
ORN: A recent weblog entitled Why Do We Need Publishers?
pointed out that print-on-demand (POD) makes small print runs
more affordable and more profitable than cultivating a
relationship with a professional publisher.
Andy: Are publishers still needed? Good ones, yes. The problem
the industry has right now is that quite a few publishers will
publish any piece of crap and hope someone buys it. They've
abdicated the important role of "publisher as editorial filter."
Despite DRY, decoupling and writing code to an appropriate level
of abstraction are still huge issues with many teams.
ORN: Alternately, am I hanging out with smart and disciplined
people, while the programmers in the trenches are still tracking
dependencies by hand? [...]
Dave: There's nothing worse than a software consultant who can't
code. [...] Part of the trick for introducing practices is
understanding that people aren't particularly disciplined. That's
why we try to arrange things so that the best way to do something
is also the easiest -- people will just tend to do it naturally.
Точки интереса/применимости:
* паблишинг -- это не только издание книг
* не надо наворотов сверх всякой меры для банальных задач
(их лучше решать одной кнопкой)
* низкоуровневое программирование, отсутствие контроля версий,
тестирования и суточных сборок -- проблема существенного
количества команд разработчиков [в .us]
Рекомендуемые цели на подумать "в этом свете":
* инсталятор/конфигуратор ALM3 и другие системообразанты
* кто же все-таки "простые пользователи" и чем кормить
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
----------- следующая часть -----------
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