[devel] IMAP headers cache для mutt

Alexey Morozov =?iso-8859-1?q?alex-altlinux_=CE=C1_idisys=2Eiae=2Ensk=2Esu?=
Ср Фев 18 13:34:57 MSK 2004

2ldv: Дмитрий, а Вы не могли бы пересобрать mutt с патчиком, взятым с
http://dwyn.net/mutt/. У меня работает, причем, на медленных
линиях/больших ящиках - просто спасение (по моим наблюдениям, UID'ы
закачиваются примерно в 30 раз быстрее хидеров).

P.S. Еще оффлайн-режим сделать, и тогда mutt вообще станет приличной
читалкой :-P

----------- следующая часть -----------
Name: mutt
%define pversion
Version: %{pversion}i
Release: alt2
Serial: 3

%def_without dotlock
%define docdir %_docdir/%name-%version

Summary: A text mode mail and news user agent
License: GPL
Group: Networking/Mail
Url: http://www.mutt.org/

Source: ftp://ftp.%name.org/pub/%name/%name-%version.tar.bz2
Source1: http://jblosser.firinn.org/pub/config/%name/%name-16.xpm
Source2: http://jblosser.firinn.org/pub/config/%name/%name-32.xpm
Source3: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/%name/%name-48.xpm
Source4: %name.menu
Source5: http://www.fefe.de/%{name}faq/faq.html
Source6: mutt-FAQ.ru.html
Source7: http://solidlinux.com/~justin/%name/%name-gnupg-howto.txt
Source10: patchlist.sh

%define rr_version 1.4
%define vvv_version 1.4
Patch11: http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/%name-%rr_version/%name-%rr_version.rr.compressed-alt.patch
Patch12: http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/%name-%vvv_version/%name-%vvv_version.vvv.initials.patch
Patch13: http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/%name-%vvv_version/%name-%vvv_version.vvv.nntp-alt.patch
Patch14: http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/%name-%vvv_version/%name-%vvv_version.vvv.quote.patch

Patch21: %name-
Patch22: %name-1.2.5-alt-8bitpgp.patch
Patch23: %name-1.3.28-alt-flea.patch
Patch24: %name-
Patch25: %name-
Patch26: %name-
Patch27: %name-
Patch28: %name-1.4-alt-m4_fixes.patch
Patch29: %name-1.4-owl-muttbug-tmp.patch
Patch30: %name-1.4-owl-tmp.patch
Patch31: %name-1.4-alt-tmp.patch
Patch32: %name-1.4-alt-fixes.patch
Patch33: %name-1.4-alt-gpg.patch

Patch41: %name-1.4-headercache.patch

Requires: MTA, urlview

%set_autoconf_version 2.13
%set_automake_version 1.4
BuildPreReq: rpm-build >= 4.0.4-alt10, autoconf = 2.13, automake = 1.4

BuildPreReq: OpenSP groff-base libncurses-devel libssl-devel sgml-tools

Mutt is a feature-rich text-based mail user agent.  Mutt supports local
and remote mail spools (POP3 and IMAP, including with SSL), MIME, OpenPGP
(PGP/MIME) with GnuPG and PGP, colored display, threading, and a lot of
customization including arbitrary message headers, key remapping, colors,
and more.

%setup -q -n %name-%pversion
%__install -p -m755 %SOURCE10 .

%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch14 -p1

%patch21 -p1
%patch22 -p1
%patch23 -p1
%patch24 -p1
%patch25 -p1
%patch26 -p1
%patch27 -p1
%patch28 -p1
%patch29 -p1
%patch30 -p1
%patch31 -p1
%patch32 -p1
%patch33 -p1

%patch41 -p1

find -type f -name \*.orig -print -delete

export ac_cv_path_GDB=/usr/bin/gdb
export ac_cv_path_ISPELL=/usr/bin/ispell
export ac_cv_path_SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail
%if_without dotlock
export mutt_cv_worldwrite=no
export mutt_cv_groupwrite=no

# Correct manual name (#2710).
%__subst -p 's,/manual\.txt\\n,/manual.txt.bz2\\n,g' Muttrc.head.in

%add_optflags -D_GNU_SOURCE
libtoolize --copy --force
aclocal -I m4
make -C m4 -f Makefile.am.in
%configure \
	--with-sharedir=%_sysconfdir \
	--with-docdir=%docdir \
	--enable-pop \
	--enable-imap \
	--enable-nntp \
	--disable-warnings \
	--with-ncurses \
	--disable-domain \
	--enable-nfs-fix \
	--with-charmaps \
	--with-ssl \

make clean
make -C doc clean-real

%makeinstall sharedir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir docdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%docdir

# Icons.
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_miconsdir/%name.xpm
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE2 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_iconsdir/%name.xpm
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_liconsdir/%name.xpm

# Menu.
%__install -pD -m644 %SOURCE4 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_menudir/%name

# More docs.
%__install -p -m644 %SOURCE5 %SOURCE6 %SOURCE7 *.nntp \
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%docdir/ -name \*.txt -size +8k -print0 |
	xargs -r0 %__bzip2 -9 --

# Fix configs.
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%_sysconfdir -type f -print0 |
	xargs -r0 %__grep -FZl "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" |
	xargs -r0 %__subst -p "s|$RPM_BUILD_ROOT||g" --

%find_lang %name



%files -f %name.lang
%if_with dotlock
%attr(2711,root,mail) %_bindir/mutt_dotlock
%config(noreplace) %_sysconfdir/Muttrc

* Tue Feb 17 2004 Alexey Morozov <morozov на altlinux.org> 3:
- added headercache patch (http://dwyn.net/mutt/)

* Fri Feb 13 2004 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 3:
- Updated to (cvs-20020213-bound patch included into release).

* Mon Feb 09 2004 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 3:1.4.1i-alt3
- Backported patch from CVS to fix Mutt crash on certain e-mails;
  this can occur when an UTF-8 locale is used on wide terminals.

* Thu Aug 28 2003 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 3:1.4.1i-alt2
- Corrected manual filename entry (#2710).

* Sat Mar 22 2003 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 3:1.4.1i-alt1
- Updated to 1.4.1i.
- Optimized by size "rr.compressed" and "vvv.nntp" patches.
- Enabled regeneration of manual.txt.
- Enabled compression of large text documentation files.
- Updated sample gpg.rc file.

* Fri Jan 24 2003 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.4i-alt3
- Improved the package description (Owl).
- Temporary files handling fixes (Owl).
- Additional temporary files handling fixes for rr/vvv patches.

* Thu Oct 31 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.4i-alt2
- Fixed -I/usr/include compilation warnings.
- Explicitly use autoconf-2.13 and automake-1.4 for build.
- Use subst instead of perl for build.

* Thu May 30 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.4i-alt1
- 1.4i.

* Tue May 07 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.99i-alt1
- 1.3.99i.
- Don't use dotlocking for mailboxes, fcntl(2) should be enough.

* Tue Apr 16 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.28i-alt2
- Fixed flea dependencies.
- Optimized and updated buildrequires.

* Fri Mar 15 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.28i-alt1
- 1.3.28i.
- Added mutt-FAQ.ru.html (mike).

* Mon Jan 28 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.27i-alt1
- 1.3.27i.
- Set default send_charset to
  "us-ascii:iso-8859-1:koi8-r:koi8-u:windows-1251:utf-8" (#405).

* Mon Jan 21 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.26i-alt1
- 1.3.26i.

* Fri Jan 04 2002 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 2:1.3.25i-alt1
- 1.3.25i (security).

* Mon Dec 10 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1:1.3.24i-alt1
- 1.3.24i.

* Mon Nov 12 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1:

* Thu Nov 01 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1:

* Thu Sep 27 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org>
- Added more default keybindings for F1 key.
- Added default hooks for compressed folders.
- Added mutt-gnupg-howto.txt

* Tue Sep 18 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org>
- Added patches from http://mutt.kiev.ua/download/.

* Mon Jul 30 2001 Alexander Bokovoy <ab на altlinux.ru> 1.2.5i-ipl16mdk
- NNTP support fixed, NNTPPost added.
- Corrected mutt_dotlock permissions (ldv).
- Corrected requires (ldv).

* Wed Jul 25 2001 Alexander Bokovoy <ab на altlinux.ru> 1.2.5i-ipl15mdk
- NNTP support added. See mutt-nntp.html for details and configuration

* Fri Jun 29 2001 AEN <aen на logic.ru> 1.2.5i-ipl14mdk
- ru.po fixed

* Wed May 23 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1.2.5i-ipl14mdk
- Fixed autodependencies.

* Tue May 22 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1.2.5i-ipl12mdk
- Modified 8bitpgp patch to fix build with new cpp (Mikhail Zabaluev <mhz на altlinux.ru>).

* Fri Mar 23 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1.2.5i-ipl11mdk
- Added altyesorno patch (based on patch from Alexey Voinov <voins на voins.program.ru>).

* Tue Mar 20 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на altlinux.org> 1.2.5i-ipl10mdk
- Merged RH patches

* Thu Feb 22 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl9mdk
- Added special recognition for "iso-8859-1" charmap.

* Wed Jan 17 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl8mdk
- Cleanup pgp patch.
- Added special recognition for "ansi-x3-4-1968" charmap.

* Fri Jan 05 2001 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl7mdk
- Added default charmap recognition.

* Sat Dec 09 2000 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl6mdk
- Enabled ssl support.
- Disabled forced 7bit pgp signed data convertion.
- Fixed out $RPM_BUILD_ROOT from config file.

* Tue Oct 12 2000 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl5mdk
- Addeded faq.html
- Automatically added BuildRequires.

* Wed Oct 04 2000 Daouda Lo <daouda на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.5i-5mdk
- provide icons for menu

* Mon Sep 04 2000 Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на fandra.org> 1.2.5i-ipl4mdk
- RE adaptions

* Mon Aug 07 2000 Frederic Lepied <flepied на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.5-3mdk
- automatically added BuildRequires

* Wed Aug  2 2000 Vincent Danen <vdanen на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.5i-2mdk
- some of us like docs and samples so put them back in
- fix docdir
- more macros

* Sat Jul 29 2000 Geoffrey Lee <snailtalk на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.5i-1mdk
- new version
- macrosifications
- build for the BM

* Fri Jul 07 2000 DindinX <odin на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.4i-2mdk
- merge Geoffrey Lee's spec changes
- remove /etc/mimes.types from %files which caused a conflit w/ mailcap

* Fri Jul 07 2000 Thierry Vignaud <tvignaud на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.4i-1mdk
- new release (This version fixes a couple of problems present in 1.2.2, and
  one problem leading to crashes whose fix was missing from 1.2.3.)

* Mon Jun 26 2000 DindinX <odin на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.2i-3mdk
- put the Serial: tag back

* Fri Jun 23 2000 DindinX <odin на mandrakesoft.com> 1.2.2i-2mdk
- fix the build as user the right way :)

* Thu Jun 22 2000 Vincent Danen <vdanen на linux-mandrake.com> 1.2.2i-1mdk
- 1.2.2i
- removed %defattr which was causing readonly inboxes
- build with ncurses instead of slang to get colors working properly
- removed SSL support (won't compile due to keymaps bug)
- fixed build

* Tue Jun 20 2000 Vincent Danen <vdanen на linux-mandrake.com> 1.2i-2mdk
- enable charmaps in configure
- removed --enable-compressed (no patch)

* Mon Jun 19 2000 Vincent Danen <vdanen на linux-mandrake.com> 1.2i-1mdk
- 1.2i
- enable SSL and NFS fixes in configure

* Wed Apr 27 2000 DindinX <odin на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-7mdk
- Recompile fix.
- fix the color scheme.

* Wed Apr  5 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-6mdk
- By default active colors.
- Believe me or not, fix menu and %post.
- Use find_lang macros for locales.

* Tue Apr  4 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-5mdk
- Fix another chmousucks in menu (yes me too i can believe it).

* Mon Apr  3 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-4mdk
- Fix chmousucks in menu.
- Add icons in menu.

* Fri Mar 31 2000 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-3mdk
- Fix menu entry (don't only cp the meny entry from your debian box
  dindin ;)).

* Fri Mar 24 2000 DindinX <odin на mandrakesoft.com> 1.0.1i-2mdk
- Specs and group fixes
- Added menu support

* Sun Feb 06 2000 Andre Steden <andre на steden.de>
- 1.0.1
- add compressed folders patch
- add colour patch

* Sat Nov 06 1999 John Buswell <johnb на mandrakesoft.com>
- Build Release

* Thu Oct 28 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com>
- 1.0.

* Wed Oct  6 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com>

- 1.0pre3.

* Mon Aug 09 1999 Daouda LO <daouda на mandrakesoft.com>
 -added manual.sgml in documents.

* Sun May 09 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com>

- Fix bug of locales.

* Wed Apr 28 1999 Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com>

- Mandrake adaptations.
- update to 0.99.5.

* Mon Mar  8 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>
-  update to 0.95.4 - fixes a /tmp race

* Wed Feb 24 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>

* Fri Feb 12 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>
- 0.95.3 - fixes mailcap handling

* Mon Jan  4 1999 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>
- 0.95.1

* Sat Dec 12 1998 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>
- 0.95

* Fri Jul 31 1998 Bill Nottingham <notting на redhat.com>
- backport some 0.94.2 security fixes
- fix un-setgid
- update to 0.93.2

* Tue Jul 28 1998 Jeff Johnson <jbj на redhat.com>
- security fix
- update to 0.93.1.
- turn off setgid mail.

* Thu May 07 1998 Prospector System <bugs на redhat.com>
- translations modified for de, fr, tr

* Tue Apr 21 1998 Cristian Gafton <gafton на redhat.com>
- updated to 0.91.1

* Fri Apr 10 1998 Cristian Gafton <gafton на redhat.com>
- updated to mutt-0.89.1

* Thu Oct 16 1997 Otto Hammersmith <otto на redhat.com>
- Updated to mutt 0.85.
- added wmconfig entries.
- removed mime.types

* Mon Sep 1 1997 Donnie Barnes <djb на redhat.com>
- Rebuilt to insure all sources were fresh and patches were clean.

* Wed Aug 6 1997 Manoj Kasichainula <manojk на io.com>
- Initial version for 0.81(e)
----------- следующая часть -----------
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/globals.h mutt-1.4-headercache/globals.h
--- mutt-1.4/globals.h	2002-01-03 12:57:19.000000000 -0800
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/globals.h	2002-12-14 11:20:58.000000000 -0800
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
 WHERE char *ImapHomeNamespace INITVAL (NULL);
 WHERE char *ImapPass INITVAL (NULL);
 WHERE char *ImapUser INITVAL (NULL);
+WHERE char *ImapHeadercache INITVAL (NULL);
 WHERE char *Inbox;
 WHERE char *Ispell;
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/imap.c mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap.c
--- mutt-1.4/imap/imap.c	2002-04-07 14:19:14.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap.c	2002-12-14 18:44:07.000000000 -0800
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "browser.h"
 #include "message.h"
 #include "imap_private.h"
+#include "imap_headercache.h"
 #ifdef USE_SSL
 # include "mutt_ssl.h"
@@ -530,6 +531,13 @@
   /* Clean up path and replace the one in the ctx */
   imap_fix_path (idata, mx.mbox, buf, sizeof (buf));
+  if (idata->hcache)
+  {
+    imap_headercache_close(idata->hcache);
+    idata->hcache = NULL;
+  }
   idata->mailbox = safe_strdup (buf);
   imap_qualify_path (buf, sizeof (buf), &mx, idata->mailbox);
@@ -540,6 +548,7 @@
   idata->ctx = ctx;
   /* clear mailbox status */
+  idata->uidvalidity = 0;
   idata->status = 0;
   memset (idata->rights, 0, (RIGHTSMAX+7)/8);
   idata->newMailCount = 0;
@@ -585,6 +594,15 @@
       if ((pc = imap_get_flags (&(idata->flags), pc)) == NULL)
 	goto fail;
+    /* save UIDVALIDITY for the header cache */
+    else if (ascii_strncasecmp("OK [UIDVALIDITY", pc, 14) == 0)
+    {
+      dprint(2, (debugfile, "Getting mailbox UIDVALIDITY\n"));
+      pc += 3;
+      pc = imap_next_word(pc);
+      sscanf(pc, "%u", &(idata->uidvalidity));
+    }
       pc = imap_next_word (pc);
@@ -662,6 +680,9 @@
   ctx->hdrs = safe_malloc (count * sizeof (HEADER *));
   ctx->v2r = safe_malloc (count * sizeof (int));
   ctx->msgcount = 0;
+  idata->hcache = imap_headercache_open(idata);
   if (count && (imap_read_headers (idata, 0, count-1) < 0))
     mutt_error _("Error opening mailbox");
@@ -671,6 +692,7 @@
   dprint (2, (debugfile, "imap_open_mailbox: msgcount is %d\n", ctx->msgcount));
   FREE (&mx.mbox);
   return 0;
@@ -891,6 +913,7 @@
   int n;
   int err_continue = M_NO;	/* continue on error? */
   int rc;
   idata = (IMAP_DATA*) ctx->data;
@@ -930,8 +953,20 @@
       /* mark these messages as unchanged so second pass ignores them. Done
        * here so BOGUS UW-IMAP 4.7 SILENT FLAGS updates are ignored. */
       for (n = 0; n < ctx->msgcount; n++)
-	if (ctx->hdrs[n]->deleted && ctx->hdrs[n]->changed)
-	  ctx->hdrs[n]->active = 0;
+      {
+	if (ctx->hdrs[n]->deleted)
+        {
+          if (idata->hcache)
+          {
+            h.data = HEADER_DATA(ctx->hdrs[n]);
+            imap_headercache_delete(idata->hcache, &h);
+          }
+          if (ctx->hdrs[n]->changed)
+            ctx->hdrs[n]->active = 0;
+        }
+      }
       if (imap_exec (idata, cmd.data, 0) != 0)
 	mutt_error (_("Expunge failed"));
@@ -949,6 +984,23 @@
       ctx->hdrs[n]->changed = 0;
+      if (idata->hcache)
+      {
+        h.data = HEADER_DATA(ctx->hdrs[n]);
+        h.read     = ctx->hdrs[n]->read;
+        h.old      = ctx->hdrs[n]->old;
+        h.deleted  = ctx->hdrs[n]->deleted;
+        h.flagged  = ctx->hdrs[n]->flagged;
+        h.replied  = ctx->hdrs[n]->replied;
+        h.changed  = ctx->hdrs[n]->changed;
+        h.sid      = ctx->hdrs[n]->index + 1;
+        h.received = ctx->hdrs[n]->received;
+        h.content_length = ctx->hdrs[n]->content->length;
+        imap_headercache_update(idata->hcache, &h);
+      }
       mutt_message (_("Saving message status flags... [%d/%d]"), n+1,
@@ -1076,6 +1128,11 @@
     idata->reopen &= IMAP_REOPEN_ALLOW;
     idata->state = IMAP_AUTHENTICATED;
+    if (idata->hcache)
+    {
+      imap_headercache_close(idata->hcache);
+      idata->hcache = NULL;
+    }
     FREE (&(idata->mailbox));
     mutt_free_list (&idata->flags);
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/imap_headercache.c mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_headercache.c
--- mutt-1.4/imap/imap_headercache.c	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_headercache.c	2002-12-14 19:13:47.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Tudor Bosman <tudorb-mutt на dwyn.net>
+ * 
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *     (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+ */ 
+#include "mutt.h"
+#include "imap.h"
+#include "imap_private.h"
+#include "imap_headercache.h"
+#include "mx.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Delete all messages from headercache */
+static int imap_headercache_purge(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc)
+  int rc = -1;
+  DIR *dir;
+  struct dirent *ent;
+  dir = opendir(hc->name);
+  if (!dir)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("IMAP headercache: can't purge directory %s: %s"), hc->name,
+               strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  while ((ent = readdir(dir)) != NULL)
+  {
+    if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))
+      continue;
+    sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/%s", hc->name, ent->d_name);
+    if (unlink(hc->tmpname) == -1)
+    {
+      mutt_error(_("IMAP headercache: can't unlink file %s: %s"), hc->tmpname,
+                 strerror(errno));
+      mutt_sleep(2);
+      goto bail;
+    }
+  }
+  rc = 0;
+  closedir(dir);
+  return rc;
+/* Open headercache */
+IMAP_HEADERCACHE *imap_headercache_open(IMAP_DATA *idata)
+  char hcdir[_POSIX_PATH_MAX + 1];
+  FILE *f;
+  size_t len;
+  char *p;
+  if (!ImapHeadercache || ImapHeadercache[0] == '\0')
+    return NULL;
+  strfcpy(hcdir, ImapHeadercache, _POSIX_PATH_MAX);
+  mutt_expand_path(hcdir, _POSIX_PATH_MAX);
+  hc = safe_malloc(sizeof(IMAP_HEADERCACHE));
+  len = strlen(hcdir) + strlen(idata->conn->account.host) +
+        strlen(idata->mailbox) + 5;
+  hc->name = safe_malloc(len);
+  hc->tmpname = safe_malloc(len + NAME_MAX + 2);
+  sprintf(hc->name, "%s/%s", hcdir, idata->conn->account.host);
+  if (mkdir(hcdir, 0777) == -1 && errno != EEXIST)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache root directory %s: %s"), 
+                 hcdir, strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  if (mkdir(hc->name, 0700) == -1 && errno != EEXIST)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache server directory %s: %s"),
+                 hc->name, strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  p = idata->mailbox;
+  while ((p = strchr(p, '/')) != NULL)
+  {
+    *p = '\0';
+    sprintf(hc->name, "%s/%s/%s", hcdir, 
+            idata->conn->account.host, idata->mailbox);
+    if (mkdir(hc->name, 0700) == -1 && errno != EEXIST)
+    {
+      mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache mailbox directory %s: %s"),
+                   hc->name, strerror(errno));
+      mutt_sleep(2);
+      goto bail;
+    }
+    *p = '/';
+    p++;
+  }
+  sprintf(hc->name, "%s/%s/%s", hcdir, 
+          idata->conn->account.host, idata->mailbox);
+  if (mkdir(hc->name, 0700) == -1 && errno != EEXIST)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache mailbox directory %s: %s"),
+                 hc->name, strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/uidvalidity", hc->name);
+  f = fopen(hc->tmpname, "r");
+  if (f)
+  {
+    fscanf(f, "%u", &hc->uidvalidity);
+    if (idata->uidvalidity != hc->uidvalidity)
+    {
+      fclose(f);
+      f = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!f)
+  {
+    if (imap_headercache_purge(hc) == -1)
+      goto bail;
+    sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/uidvalidity", hc->name);
+    f = fopen(hc->tmpname, "w");
+    if (!f)
+    {
+      mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache uidvalidity file %s: %s"),
+                   hc->tmpname, strerror(errno));
+      mutt_sleep(2);
+      goto bail;
+    }
+    hc->uidvalidity = idata->uidvalidity;
+    fprintf(f, "%u\n", hc->uidvalidity);
+    fclose(f);
+  }
+  return hc;
+  safe_free((void **)&hc->tmpname);
+  safe_free((void **)&hc->name);
+  safe_free((void **)&hc);
+  return NULL;
+/* Close headercache */
+void imap_headercache_close(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc)
+  safe_free((void **)&hc->tmpname);
+  safe_free((void **)&hc->name);
+  safe_free((void **)&hc);
+static void imap_headercache_writehdr(FILE *f, IMAP_HEADER *h)
+  /* Write the stuff in the header.  This must have a fixed length, as it is
+   * overwritten in case of imap_headercache_update
+   */
+  fprintf(f, "%1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %1x %8x %16lx %16lx %8x\n",
+          h->read, h->old, h->deleted, h->flagged, h->replied, h->changed,
+          h->sid, h->received, h->content_length, HEADER_DATA(h)->uid);
+/* Add message to headercache */
+int imap_headercache_add(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h, FILE *from,
+                         size_t hdrsz)
+  FILE *f;
+#define BUFSIZE 4096
+  char buf[BUFSIZE];
+  size_t sz;
+  int rc = -1;
+  sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/%u", hc->name, HEADER_DATA(h)->uid);
+  f = fopen(hc->tmpname, "w");
+  if (!f)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("Can't create IMAP headercache message file %s: %s"),
+                 hc->tmpname, strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  imap_headercache_writehdr(f, h);
+  while ((sz = fread(buf, 1, (hdrsz < BUFSIZE ? hdrsz : BUFSIZE), from)) != 0)
+  {
+    hdrsz -= sz;
+    fwrite(buf, 1, sz, f);
+  }
+  fclose(f);
+  rc = 0;
+  return rc;
+/* Update flags in headercache message */
+int imap_headercache_update(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h)
+  FILE *f;
+  int rc = -1;
+  sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/%u", hc->name, HEADER_DATA(h)->uid);
+  f = fopen(hc->tmpname, "r+");
+  if (!f)
+    goto bail;
+  imap_headercache_writehdr(f, h);
+  fclose(f);
+  rc = 0;
+  return rc;
+/* Delete message from headercache */
+int imap_headercache_delete(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h)
+  int rc = -1;
+  sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/%u", hc->name, HEADER_DATA(h)->uid);
+  if (unlink(hc->tmpname) == -1)
+  {
+    mutt_error(_("Can't delete IMAP headercache message %s: %s"),
+               hc->tmpname, strerror(errno));
+    mutt_sleep(2);
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  rc = 0;
+  return rc;
+/* Find message in headercache */
+FILE *imap_headercache_find(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h)
+  FILE *f = NULL;
+  unsigned int flag_read, flag_old, flag_deleted, flag_flagged, flag_replied;
+  unsigned int flag_changed;
+  unsigned int uid;
+  unsigned long received;
+  unsigned long content_length;
+  sprintf(hc->tmpname, "%s/%u", hc->name, HEADER_DATA(h)->uid);
+  f = fopen(hc->tmpname, "r");
+  if (!f)
+    goto bail;
+  fscanf(f, "%x %x %x %x %x %x %x %lx %lx %x\n",
+         &flag_read, &flag_old, &flag_deleted, &flag_flagged, &flag_replied,
+         &flag_changed, &h->sid, &received, &content_length, &uid);
+  if (uid != HEADER_DATA(h)->uid)
+  {
+    fclose(f);
+    f = NULL;
+    goto bail;
+  }
+  h->received = received;
+  h->read = flag_read;
+  h->old = flag_old;
+  h->deleted = flag_deleted;
+  h->flagged = flag_flagged;
+  h->replied = flag_replied;
+  h->changed = flag_changed;
+  h->content_length = (long)content_length;
+  return f;
+/* Close file returned by imap_headercache_find */
+void imap_headercache_done(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, FILE *f)
+  fclose(f);
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/imap_headercache.h mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_headercache.h
--- mutt-1.4/imap/imap_headercache.h	1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_headercache.h	2002-12-14 19:13:40.000000000 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2002 Tudor Bosman <tudorb-mutt на dwyn.net>
+ * 
+ *     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ *     (at your option) any later version.
+ * 
+ *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *     GNU General Public License for more details.
+ * 
+ *     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ *     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111, USA.
+ */ 
+#include "imap_private.h"
+#include "message.h"
+typedef struct IMAP_HEADERCACHE
+  char *name;
+  char *tmpname;
+  unsigned int uidvalidity;
+  int exists;
+struct IMAP_DATA;
+IMAP_HEADERCACHE *imap_headercache_open(struct IMAP_DATA *idata);
+void imap_headercache_close(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc);
+int imap_headercache_add(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h, FILE *from,
+                         size_t hdrsz);
+int imap_headercache_update(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h);
+int imap_headercache_delete(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h);
+FILE *imap_headercache_find(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, IMAP_HEADER *h);
+void imap_headercache_done(IMAP_HEADERCACHE *hc, FILE *f);
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/imap_private.h mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_private.h
--- mutt-1.4/imap/imap_private.h	2001-07-03 02:50:05.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/imap_private.h	2002-12-14 16:23:05.000000000 -0800
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 #define _IMAP_PRIVATE_H 1
 #include "imap.h"
+#include "imap_headercache.h"
 #include "mutt_socket.h"
 /* -- symbols -- */
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@
   int state;
-typedef struct
+typedef struct IMAP_DATA
   /* This data is specific to a CONNECTION to an IMAP server */
   CONNECTION *conn;
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@
   char *mailbox;
   unsigned short check_status;
   unsigned char reopen;
+  unsigned int uidvalidity;
   unsigned char rights[(RIGHTSMAX + 7)/8];
   unsigned int newMailCount;
@@ -181,6 +183,7 @@
   /* all folder flags - system flags AND keywords */
   LIST *flags;
 /* I wish that were called IMAP_CONTEXT :( */
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/Makefile.am mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/Makefile.am
--- mutt-1.4/imap/Makefile.am	2001-05-28 12:14:31.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/Makefile.am	2002-12-14 19:27:05.000000000 -0800
@@ -22,4 +22,5 @@
 noinst_HEADERS = auth.h imap_private.h message.h
 libimap_a_SOURCES = auth.c auth_login.c browse.c command.c imap.c imap.h \
-	message.c utf7.c util.c $(AUTHENTICATORS) $(GSSSOURCES)
+	imap_headercache.c imap_headercache.h message.c utf7.c util.c \
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/message.c mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/message.c
--- mutt-1.4/imap/message.c	2002-04-07 14:19:14.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/message.c	2002-12-14 15:57:44.000000000 -0800
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 #include "mutt.h"
 #include "mutt_curses.h"
 #include "imap_private.h"
+#include "imap_headercache.h"
 #include "message.h"
 #include "mx.h"
@@ -54,9 +55,14 @@
   int msgno;
   int rc, mfhrc, oldmsgcount;
+  int msgbegin_hc;
   int fetchlast = 0;
+  msgno = msgbegin;
   ctx = idata->ctx;
   if (mutt_bit_isset (idata->capabilities,IMAP4REV1))
@@ -87,36 +93,150 @@
   unlink (tempfile);
+  oldmsgcount = ctx->msgcount;
+  msgbegin_hc = msgbegin;
+  hc = idata->hcache;
   /* make sure context has room to hold the mailbox */
   while ((msgend) >= idata->ctx->hdrmax)
     mx_alloc_memory (idata->ctx);
-  oldmsgcount = ctx->msgcount;
   idata->reopen &= ~IMAP_NEWMAIL_PENDING;
   idata->newMailCount = 0;
+  if (hc)
+  {
+    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "FETCH %d:%d (UID)", msgbegin_hc + 1, 
+             msgend + 1);
+    imap_cmd_start(idata, buf);
+    for (msgno = msgbegin_hc; msgno <= msgend; msgno++)
+    {
+      if (ReadInc && (!msgno || ((msgno+1) % ReadInc == 0)))
+        mutt_message (_("Fetching message UIDs... [%d/%d]"), msgno + 1,
+                      msgend + 1);
+      /* XXX */
+      ctx->hdrs[msgno] = NULL;
+      /* XXX leaking h.data on successful exit */
+      memset (&h, 0, sizeof (h));
+      h.data = safe_calloc (1, sizeof (IMAP_HEADER_DATA));
+      do
+      {
+        FILE *cache_fp;
+        mfhrc = 0;
+        rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
+        if (rc != IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE)
+          break;
+        if ((mfhrc = msg_fetch_header (idata->ctx, &h, idata->cmd.buf, NULL)) == -1)
+          continue;
+        else if (mfhrc < 0)
+          break;
+        cache_fp = imap_headercache_find(hc, &h);
+        if (cache_fp)
+        {
+          /* update context with message header */
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno] = mutt_new_header ();
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->index = h.sid - 1;
+          /* messages which have not been expunged are ACTIVE (borrowed from mh 
+           * folders) */
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->active = 1;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->read = h.read;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->old = h.old;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->deleted = h.deleted;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->flagged = h.flagged;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->replied = h.replied;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->changed = h.changed;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->received = h.received;
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->data = (void *) (h.data);
+          /* NOTE: if Date: header is missing, mutt_read_rfc822_header depends
+           *   on h.received being set */
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->env = mutt_read_rfc822_header (cache_fp, ctx->hdrs[msgno],
+            0, 0);
+          /* content built as a side-effect of mutt_read_rfc822_header */
+          ctx->hdrs[msgno]->content->length = h.content_length;
+          imap_headercache_done(hc, cache_fp);
+        }
+      }
+      while (mfhrc == -1);
+      /* in case we get new mail while fetching the headers */
+      if (idata->reopen & IMAP_NEWMAIL_PENDING)
+      {
+        msgbegin_hc = msgno + 1;
+        msgend = idata->newMailCount - 1;
+        goto restart;
+      }
+      /* XXX freshen... etc */
+    }
+  }
+  /* Remember where we left if we get new mail while fetching actual headers */
+  msgbegin_hc = msgno;
+  /* Now, either one of the following is true:
+   * 1. We don't have a headercache (hc == 0)
+   * 2. All messages found in the cache have ctx->hdrs[msgno] != NULL, and
+   * filled up.
+   */
+  /*
+   * Make one request for everything. This makes fetching headers an
+   * order of magnitude faster if you have a large mailbox.
+   *
+   * If we get more messages while doing this, we make another
+   * request for all the new messages.
+   */
+  if (!hc)
+  {
+    snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf),
+      "FETCH %d:%d (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE %s)", msgbegin + 1,
+      msgend + 1, hdrreq);
+    imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);
+  }
   for (msgno = msgbegin; msgno <= msgend ; msgno++)
     if (ReadInc && (!msgno || ((msgno+1) % ReadInc == 0)))
       mutt_message (_("Fetching message headers... [%d/%d]"), msgno + 1,
         msgend + 1);
-    if (msgno + 1 > fetchlast)
+    /* If the message is in the cache, skip it */
+    if (hc)
-      /*
-       * Make one request for everything. This makes fetching headers an
-       * order of magnitude faster if you have a large mailbox.
-       *
-       * If we get more messages while doing this, we make another
-       * request for all the new messages.
-       */
-      snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf),
-        "FETCH %d:%d (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE %s)", msgno + 1,
-        msgend + 1, hdrreq);
-      imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);
+      if (ctx->hdrs[msgno])
+      {
+        ctx->msgcount++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      else if (msgno >= fetchlast)
+      {
+        /* Find the longest "run" of messages not in the cache and fetch it in
+         * one go
+         */
+        for (fetchlast = msgno + 1; 
+             fetchlast <= msgend && !ctx->hdrs[fetchlast]; fetchlast++);
+        snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf),
+          "FETCH %d:%d (UID FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822.SIZE %s)", msgno + 1,
+          fetchlast, hdrreq);
-      fetchlast = msgend + 1;
+        imap_cmd_start (idata, buf);
+      }
     /* freshen fp, h */
@@ -130,6 +250,8 @@
+      size_t hdrsz;
       mfhrc = 0;
       rc = imap_cmd_step (idata);
@@ -144,12 +266,16 @@
       /* make sure we don't get remnants from older larger message headers */
       fputs ("\n\n", fp);
+      hdrsz = (size_t)ftell(fp);
       /* update context with message header */
       ctx->hdrs[msgno] = mutt_new_header ();
       ctx->hdrs[msgno]->index = h.sid - 1;
+#if 0
       if (h.sid != ctx->msgcount + 1)
 	dprint (1, (debugfile, "imap_read_headers: msgcount and sequence ID are inconsistent!"));
       /* messages which have not been expunged are ACTIVE (borrowed from mh 
        * folders) */
       ctx->hdrs[msgno]->active = 1;
@@ -163,6 +289,13 @@
       ctx->hdrs[msgno]->data = (void *) (h.data);
       rewind (fp);
+      if (hc)
+      {
+        imap_headercache_add(hc, &h, fp, hdrsz);
+        rewind(fp);
+      }
       /* NOTE: if Date: header is missing, mutt_read_rfc822_header depends
        *   on h.received being set */
       ctx->hdrs[msgno]->env = mutt_read_rfc822_header (fp, ctx->hdrs[msgno],
@@ -172,8 +305,7 @@
-    while ((rc != IMAP_CMD_OK) && ((mfhrc == -1) ||
-      ((msgno + 1) >= fetchlast)));
+    while (mfhrc == -1);
     if ((mfhrc < -1) || ((rc != IMAP_CMD_CONTINUE) && (rc != IMAP_CMD_OK)))
@@ -186,11 +318,9 @@
     /* in case we get new mail while fetching the headers */
     if (idata->reopen & IMAP_NEWMAIL_PENDING)
+      msgbegin = msgno + 1;
       msgend = idata->newMailCount - 1;
-      while ((msgend) >= ctx->hdrmax)
-	mx_alloc_memory (ctx);
-      idata->reopen &= ~IMAP_NEWMAIL_PENDING;
-      idata->newMailCount = 0;
+      goto restart;
@@ -731,6 +861,7 @@
   IMAP_DATA* idata;
   long bytes;
   int rc = -1; /* default now is that string isn't FETCH response*/
+  int fetch_rc;
   idata = (IMAP_DATA*) ctx->data;
@@ -753,9 +884,15 @@
   /* FIXME: current implementation - call msg_parse_fetch - if it returns -2,
    *   read header lines and call it again. Silly. */
-  if (msg_parse_fetch (h, buf) != -2)
+  fetch_rc = msg_parse_fetch(h, buf);
+  if (fetch_rc == 0)
+    return 0;
+  else if (fetch_rc != -2)
     return rc;
+  if (!fp)
+    return -2;
   if (imap_get_literal_count (buf, &bytes) < 0)
     return rc;
   imap_read_literal (fp, idata, bytes);
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/imap/util.c mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/util.c
--- mutt-1.4/imap/util.c	2002-04-29 05:08:03.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/imap/util.c	2002-12-14 16:25:14.000000000 -0800
@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@
   if (!idata)
     return NULL;
+  idata->hcache = NULL;
   idata->conn = NULL;
   idata->capstr = NULL;
   idata->state = IMAP_DISCONNECTED;
diff -urN -X exclude-diff mutt-1.4/init.h mutt-1.4-headercache/init.h
--- mutt-1.4/init.h	2002-04-25 06:26:37.000000000 -0700
+++ mutt-1.4-headercache/init.h	2002-12-14 11:18:41.000000000 -0800
@@ -818,6 +818,11 @@
   ** .pp
   ** This variable defaults to your user name on the local machine.
+  { "imap_headercache", DT_STR, R_NONE, UL &ImapHeadercache, UL 0 },
+  /*
+  ** .pp
+  ** The location of the IMAP headercache directory.
+  */
   { "implicit_autoview", DT_BOOL,R_NONE, OPTIMPLICITAUTOVIEW, 0},
----------- следующая часть -----------
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