[devel] I: fglrx

Anton D. Kachalov =?iso-8859-1?q?mouse_=CE=C1_altlinux=2Eru?=
Вс Дек 26 13:17:41 MSK 2004

Мэтью сообщил, что у них уже всё готово и они ждут официальной публикации
дров. Его сообщение тут:

Ввиду того, что ещё вчера ссылка открывалась, а сегодня нет, приведу текст:

	Hey guys.

	Sorry for the delay hitting this thread. I understand the
	frustration, but we had some unexpected requirements crop up that
	needed attention immeadiately. This has resulted in a number of
	stability improvements on the AGP, PCIe and AMD64 fronts for the
	new drivers.

	This unfortunately resulted in a delay for the drivers. We
	have completed the work, and now must wait for the web-posting
	train for ati.com for the drivers to be posted officially.
	With Christmas/New Year, this will most likely be before the
	middle of January.

	Not as a teaser, but as an answer to the questions, the
	new drivers will have a number of major new features...

	o AMD64/EM64T Support
	o XOrg 6.8 Support
	o PCIe stability improvements

	And of course we have bumped the major.minor version
	of the driver to match the Windows driver.

	Once again, apologies to the Rage3D community for not being
	responsive for the last month. Some of the members on the Beta
	Program can probably make comment on the new drivers as well.

Ещё Мэтью где-то в форуме желающим предлагал дать дрова на потестить, но
ссылок, где взять и т.д. я не нашёл.


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