[devel] Re: Junior 2.2 Devel disk - список пакетов

Alexey Tourbin =?iso-8859-1?q?at_=CE=C1_turbinal=2Eorg?=
Пт Мар 7 16:18:16 MSK 2003

On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 09:23:48PM +0300, rider на altlinux.com wrote:
> 4      altlinux-release                  ALT Linux Master release file


> 24     gtk-engines-cleanice              A GTK+2 theme engine - Clean Ice
> 236    gtk-engines-crux                  A GTK+2 theme engine - Crux
> 16     gtk-engines-flat                  A GTK+2 theme engine - Flat
> 4      gtk-engines-full                  Set of GTK+2 theme engines
> 24     gtk-engines-lighthouseblue        A GTK+2 theme engine - Lighthouse Blue
> 20     gtk-engines-mist                  A GTK+2 theme engine - Mist
> 24     gtk-engines-thinice               A GTK+2 theme engine - Thin Ice
> 20     gtk-engines-xfce                  A GTK+2 theme engine - XFCE


> 40     libexpat-devel                    Development files for applications which will manipulate XML files


> 960    vim-X11-athena                    рПМОБС ЧЕТУЙС VIM, ЧЛМАЮБЕФ РПДДЕТЦЛХ X Window System (Xaw ЧЕТУЙС)
> 20     vim-X11                           рПМОБС ЧЕТУЙС VIM, ЧЛМАЮБЕФ РПДДЕТЦЛХ X Window System

vim-X11-gtk будет привычнее.

> 44     vixie-cron                        The Vixie cron daemon for executing specified programs at set times

Не попало на 1ый диск? :(

> 1240   zsh                               пВПМПЮЛБ У ТБУЫЙТЕООЩНЙ ЧПЪНПЦОПУФСНЙ.


WBR, Alexey Tourbin
BIOZAK Ltd., Russia
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