[devel] Re: kernel 2.6.0-test11
Alexey Tourbin
Ср Дек 17 21:28:47 MSK 2003
On Wed, Dec 17, 2003 at 11:22:27AM +0300, Ed V. Bartosh wrote:
> AT> Уже посмотрел. Пусть пока так.
> AT> Переписывание кода в прцессе.
> Когда можно надеяться на появление сего в Сизифе ?
Сейчас полностью переписан /usr/sbin/detectloader.
От него оторван perl-MDK-Common, взамен написан модуль bootloader_utils.pm.
Остается переписать /usr/share/loader/{grub,lilo} и /sbin/installkernel.
Лучше объясните мне, как /sbin/installkernel должен расставлять симлинки
и чем его текущее поведение не устраивает.
----------- следующая часть -----------
package bootloader_utils;
# $Id: bootloader_utils.pm,v 1.2 2003/12/04 12:29:17 at Exp $
# Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by MandrakeSoft.
# Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel на mandrakesoft.com>.
# Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the GNU
# Public License (GPL)
# Copyright (C) 2003 by ALT Linux Team,
# Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux.org>.
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(mnt2dev partitions typeOfMBR getroot);
use strict;
sub fstab {
open my $f, '/etc/fstab' or return;
my @fstab;
while (<$f>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
my @ent = split;
push @fstab, \@ent;
return @fstab;
sub mnt2dev {
my $mnt = shift;
foreach my $ent (fstab()) {
return $$ent[0] if $$ent[1] eq $mnt;
my @MBR_signatures = (
[ 'empty', 0, "\0\0\0\0" ],
[ 'grub', 0, "\xEBG", 0x17d, "stage1 \0" ],
[ 'grub', 0, "\xEBH", 0x17e, "stage1 \0" ],
[ 'grub', 0, "\xEBH", 0x18a, "stage1 \0" ],
[ 'grub', 0, "\xEBH", 0x181, "GRUB \0" ],
[ 'lilo', 0x2, "LILO" ],
[ 'lilo', 0x6, "LILO" ],
[ 'grub', 0x6, "GRUB" ],
[ 'osbs', 0x2, "OSBS" ], #- http://www.prz.tu-berlin.de/~wolf/os-bs.html
[ 'pqmagic', 0xef, "PQV" ],
[ 'BootStar', 0x130, "BootStar:" ],
[ 'DocsBoot', 0x148, 'DocsBoot' ],
[ 'system_commander', 0x1ad, "SYSCMNDRSYS" ],
[ 'Be Os', 0x24, 'Boot Manager' ],
[ 'os2', 0, "\xFA\xB8\x30\x00", 0xfA, "OS/2" ],
[ 'TimO', 0, 'IBM Thinkpad hibernation partition' ],
[ 'dos', 0xa0, "\x25\x03\x4E\x02\xCD\x13" ],
[ 'dos', 0xa0, "\x00\xB4\x08\xCD\x13\x72" ], #- nt2k's
[ 'dos', 0x60, "\xBB\x00\x7C\xB8\x01\x02\x57\xCD\x13\x5F\x73\x0C\x33\xC0\xCD\x13" ], #- nt's
[ 'dos', 0x70, "\x0C\x33\xC0\xCD\x13\x4F\x75\xED\xBE\xA3" ],
[ 'freebsd', 0xC0, "\x00\x30\xE4\xCD\x16\xCD\x19\xBB\x07\x00\xB4" ],
[ 'freebsd', 0x160, "\x6A\x10\x89\xE6\x48\x80\xCC\x40\xCD\x13" ],
[ 'dummy', 0xAC, "\x0E\xB3\x07\x56\xCD\x10\x5E\xEB" ], #- caldera?
[ 'ranish', 0x100, "\x6A\x10\xB4\x42\x8B\xF4\xCD\x13\x8B\xE5\x73" ],
[ 'os2', 0x1c2, "\x0A" ],
[ 'Acronis', 0, "\xE8\x12\x01" ],
sub typeFromMagic {
my $fname = shift;
sysopen my $fh, $fname, 0 or return;
set: foreach my $set (@_) {
my ($type, %magic) = @$set;
while (my ($offset, $signature) = each %magic) {
sysseek($fh, $offset, 0)
or next set;
my $n = length $signature;
sysread($fh, my $buf, $n) == $n
or next set;
$buf eq $signature
or next set;
return $type;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use sigtrap qw(die normal-signals);
sub typeOfMBR($) {
my $disk = shift;
my $dev = "/dev/$$disk{dev}";
unless (-b $dev) {
my $dir = tempdir("bootloader.XXXXXXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1);
$dev = "$dir/$$disk{dev}";
system "mknod", $dev, "b", $$disk{major}, $$disk{minor};
die "$0: cannot create block special file $dev\n"
unless $? == 0 && -b $dev;
return typeFromMagic($dev, @MBR_signatures);
sub media_type {
my $dev = shift;
open my $fh, "/proc/ide/$dev/media" or return;
my $type = <$fh>;
chomp $type;
return $type;
sub partitions {
open my $fh, "/proc/partitions" or return;
my @all;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless /\d/;
my %ent;
@ent{qw(major minor size dev)} = split;
$ent{media} = media_type $ent{dev};
push @all, \%ent;
return @all;
sub getroot {
if (open my $fh, "/proc/cmdline") {
return $1 if <$fh> =~ /root=(\/\S+)/;
my $root = mnt2dev("/");
return $root if $root;
return $& if `/usr/sbin/rdev` =~ /\/\S+/;
----------- следующая часть -----------
# $Id: detectloader,v 1.3 2003/12/06 15:21:28 at Exp $
=head1 NAME
detectloader - detect what type of loader you have on your disk
detectloader detects the type of the boot loader you have on your MBR. It
finds the first disk via /proc/partitions and looks via the magic serial what
kind of boot loader you have installed. If neither LILO nor GRUB is found on
MBR, try partitions too.
Supports only grub and lilo. Patches welcome for other boot loaders.
Copyright (C) 2003 by ALT Linux Team, Alexey Tourbin <at на altlinux.org>.
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 by MandrakeSoft, Pixel <pixel на mandrakesoft.com>
and others MandrakeSoft folks.
Redistribution of this file is permitted under the terms of the GNU
Public License (GPL).
use bootloader_utils qw(partitions typeOfMBR);
use strict;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
GetOptions "q|quiet" => \my $quiet
or die "usage: $0 [-q|--quiet]\n";
sub warning {
warn "@_\n" unless $quiet;
sub read_skiplist {
open my $fh, "/etc/bootloader/skiplist" or return;
my @list;
while (<$fh>) {
next unless /^#/;
/\S+/ and push @list, $&;
return @list;
sub detect {
my %known_loaders = map { $_ => 1 } qw(grub lilo);
my %skiplist = map { $_ => 1 } read_skiplist();
my (@disks, @partitions);
foreach (partitions()) {
next if $skiplist{$$_{dev}};
next if $$_{media} eq "cdrom";
$$_{dev} =~ /\d$/
? push @partitions, $_
: push @disks, $_
foreach my $disk (@disks) {
my $loader = typeOfMBR($disk);
if ($known_loaders{$loader}) {
warning "$0: $$disk{dev}: $loader";
return $loader;
warning "no bootloader on MBR, trying partitions!";
open my $pipe, "-|", "fdisk", "-l",
or warning "$0: fdisk not available"
and return;
while (<$pipe>) {
next unless m#^/dev/(\w+\d+)\s+\*\s+#;
next if $skiplist{$1};
my ($partition) = grep { $$_{dev} eq $1 } @partitions;
next unless $partition;
my $loader = typeOfMBR($partition);
if ($known_loaders{$loader}) {
warning "$0: $$partition{dev}: $loader";
return $loader;
my $loader = $ENV{DEFAULT_LOADER} || detect();
print uc($loader) . "\n";
----------- следующая часть -----------
Было удалено вложение не в текстовом формате...
Имя : =?iso-8859-1?q?=CF=D4=D3=D5=D4=D3=D4=D7=D5=C5=D4?=
Тип : application/pgp-signature
Размер : 189 байтов
Описание: =?iso-8859-1?q?=CF=D4=D3=D5=D4=D3=D4=D7=D5=C5=D4?=
Url : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20031217/ddc7997e/attachment-0001.bin>
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