[devel] Fw: Re: [xml] Translation of manual for 'xmllint' in Russian

Vitaly Ostanin =?iso-8859-1?q?vyt_=CE=C1_vzljot=2Eru?=
Чт Окт 17 17:35:56 MSD 2002

Hello, All!

Объясните, пожалуйста, как подключаются локализованные

Begin forwarded message:

Date: 17 Oct 2002 06:29:01 -0600
From: John Fleck <jfleck на inkstain.net>
To: Vitaly Ostanin <vyt на vzljot.ru>
Subject: Re: [xml] Translation of manual for 'xmllint' in Russian

On Thu, 2002-10-17 at 00:33, Vitaly Ostanin wrote:
> On 16 Oct 2002 21:12:06 -0600
> John Fleck <jfleck на inkstain.net> wrote:
> > Vitaly -
> > I haven't figured out how to include your Russian man page in
> > the build, but I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten. I'm
> > still trying.
> Ok :) I could to help, if you tell me, how you build all docs -
> from what source and target formats ?

Vitaly -
The issue is not building the doc, but how to properly package it
so a user with a Russian locale will see it when they do "man
xmllint". Cheers,
John Fleck
jfleck на inkstain.net (h) jfleck на abqjournal.com (w)
http://www.inkstain.net http://www.abqjournal.com

"Sometimes, a diner is all about the mac and cheese." 
  - Zippy the Pinhead

Regards, Vyt
mailto:  vyt на vzljot.ru
JID:     vyt на vzljot.ru
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