[devel] perl-5.8.0 deps -- perl.req + perl.prov.patch

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Пт Ноя 1 03:28:13 MSK 2002

Итак, написать регулярное выражение, которе идеально отлавливало бы все
перловые зависимости, оказалось не так просто, как я сначала
предполагал. Здесь одним и даже несколькими регулярными выражениями не
отделаться, все пути ведут к последовательности регулярных выражений с
конечным числом состояний. В определенный момент я даже подумал, что
правильнее было бы что-нибудь слабать на бизоне. К счастью, у меня нет
опыта лабания на бизоне. :)

Всех заинтересованных лиц прошу запустить:

$ perl.req --debug --method=strict /usr/lib/perl5/**/*.pm 2>&1 | less
$ perl.req --debug --method=normal /usr/lib/perl5/**/*.pm 2>&1 | less
$ perl.req --debug --method=relaxed /usr/lib/perl5/**/*.pm 2>&1 | less

(zsh globbing) и подумать, все ли их устраивает.

2ldv: rpm пишет:
/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.30255:  export RPM_PERL_REQ_METHOD=" relaxed"

Почему пробел, я не понял.

On Fri, Nov 01, 2002 at 12:34:33AM +0300, at на turbinal.org wrote:
> - normal -- то же, что и strict, плюс следующие ограничения:
> + ^\s*use
> + ^\s*require
> + ^\s*do
> + !(if|unless|eval)

if,unless,eval я решил перенести в relaxed, т.к. по смыслу relaxed как
раз предназначен для отсеивания условных зависимостей.

> + фильтрация по списку файлов и списку зависимостей
> - relaxed -- то же самое, что и normal, плюс следующие ограничения:
> + ^require
> + ^do
> - none -- не поддерживается, нужно явно указать: AutoReq: yes, noperl
> В целом же, нужно понимать, что абсолютно точно perl.req работать не
> может, статус его близок к /usr/bin/buildreq. Метод "normal" должен быть
> приемлем для большинства пакетов.
----------- следующая часть -----------

# RPM (and it's source code) is covered under two separate licenses. 

# The entire code base may be distributed under the terms of the GNU
# General Public License (GPL), which appears immediately below.
# Alternatively, all of the source code in the lib subdirectory of the
# RPM source code distribution as well as any code derived from that
# code may instead be distributed under the GNU Library General Public
# License (LGPL), at the choice of the distributor. The complete text
# of the LGPL appears at the bottom of this file.

# This alternatively is allowed to enable applications to be linked
# against the RPM library (commonly called librpm) without forcing
# such applications to be distributed under the GPL.

# Any questions regarding the licensing of RPM should be addressed to
# Erik Troan <ewt на redhat.com>.

# a simple makedepends like script for perl.
# To save development time I do not parse the perl grammmar but
# instead just lex it looking for what I want.  I take special care to
# ignore comments and pod's.

# It would be much better if perl could tell us the dependencies of a
# given script.

# The filenames to scan are either passed on the command line or if
# that is empty they are passed via stdin.

# If there are strings in the file which match the pattern
#     m/^\s*\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i
# then these are treated as additional names which are required by the
# file and are printed as well.

# I plan to rewrite this in C so that perl is not required by RPM at
# build time.

# by Ken Estes Mail.com kestes на staff.mail.com
# modified by Mikhail Zabaluev <mookid на mu.ru>
# modified by Alexey Tourbin <at на turbinal.org>

use 5.005; # qr
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Spec;

GetOptions("debug" => \my $debug, "method=s" => \my $method);
sub debug ($) {
	my $msg = shift;
	warn "$msg\n" if $debug;
if ($debug) {
	require IO::Handle;
	debug "debug mode enabled";
$method ||= $ENV{RPM_PERL_REQ_METHOD};
$method =~ s/\s+//g;
$method eq "strict" || $method eq "normal" || $method eq "relaxed"
	|| die "$0: strcit, normal, relaxed methods supported\n";
debug "method = $method";

my @ignore_files = (
my @ignore_reqs = (
# OS-specific
# old names
# wrong names
# MDK: skip if the phrase was "use of" -- shows up in gimp-perl, et al

if (@ARGV) {
  foreach (@ARGV) {
} else {
  # notice we are passed a list of filenames NOT as common in unix the
  # contents of the file.
  foreach (<>) {

foreach $module (sort keys %require) {
  unless ($method eq "strict") {
	for my $re (@ignore_reqs) {
		if ($module =~ $re) {
			debug "module $module matches $re; skip";
			next MODULE;
  if (length($require{$module}) == 0) {
    print "perl($module)\n";
  } else {
    print "perl($module) >= $require{$module}\n";

exit 0;

sub process_file {
  my ($file) = @_;

  return if $file eq '';

  unless ($method eq "strict") {
	foreach my $re (@ignore_files) {
		if ($file =~ $re) {
			debug "file: $file matches: $re; skip";

  open(FILE, "<$file")||
    die("$0: Could not open file: '$file' : $!\n");
  while (<FILE>) {
    # skip the documentation

    # we should not need to have item in this if statement (it
    # properly belongs in the over/back section) but people do not
    # read the perldoc.

    if ((m/^=(head[12]|pod|over|item|for|begin)/) .. (m/^=(cut)/)) {
    if ( (m/^=(over)/) .. (m/^=(back)/) ) {
    # skip the data section
    # AT: but what about AutoLoader and SelfLoader? (TODO)
    if (m/^__(DATA|END)__$/) {

    # Each keyword can appear multiple times.  Don't
    #  bother with datastructures to store these strings,
    #  if we need to print it print it now.
    if ( m/^\s*\$RPM_Requires\s*=\s*["'](.*)['"]/i) {
      foreach (split(/\s+/, $1)) {
	print "$_\n";

	next unless /\b(use|require|do)\b/; # do not want 'do {' loops
	next if /\bdo\s*{/; # do not want 'do {' loops
	next if /^\s*["']/;
	# print "just use it";
	if (/^\s*(?:(?!use|require|do|eval|if|unless)[\w:$->]+\s*)+\(/) {
		debug "skip: $_";
	if (/^\s*(?:(?!use|require|do|eval|if|unless)[\w:]+\s*)+\(?(['"]).*\1/) {
		debug "skip: $_";
	next unless /^(.*?)\b(use|do|require)\s+(['"]?)([.:\w\/]+)\3\s*(.*)/;
	my ($indent, $statement, $quote, $module, $rest) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
	debug "line: $_";
	next if $module =~ m/\$/;
	next if $module !~ m/\w/;

	# conditional statements
	if (/\b(if|unless|eval)\b/ && $method eq "relaxed") {
		debug "file: $file requires: $module (conditional); skip";

	# indent is somewhat unclear
	if ($indent =~ /[^\w\s{}();:]/ && $method ne "strict") {
		debug "file: $file requires: $module (indent unclear); skip";
	# statement requires a particular version of Perl
	if ($module =~ m/^v?[0-9._]+$/ && $rest =~ /^;|\s*$/) {
		print "perl-base >= " . package_version($module, '%.5f') . "\n";

	if ($statement eq "require") {
		if ($indent =~ /^\s+$/ && $method eq "relaxed") {
			debug "file: $file <require>s: $module (whitespace); skip";
		if ($indent =~ /\S/ && $method ne "strict") {
			debug "file: $file <require>s: $module (inside); skip";

	if ($statement eq "do") {
		if ($indent =~ /^\s+$/ && $method eq "relaxed") {
			debug "file: $file <do>es: $module (whitespace); skip";
		if ($indent =~ /\S/ && $method ne "strict") {
			debug "file: $file <do>es: $module (inside); skip";

	if ($statement eq "use") {
		if ($indent =~ /\S/ && $method ne "strict") {
			debug "file: $file <use>s: $module (inside); skip";

	# filename
	if ($quote && $module =~ /^\w+(\/\w+)*\.p[lmh]$/ && $rest =~ /^$|;/ &&
		($statement eq "do" || $statement eq "require"))
		$require{$module} = undef;
		debug "\$require{$module} = yes";

	# modules, variables, lists
	my $m = qr/[:\w]+/;
	my $v = qr/[\$\%\@]$m/;
	my $s = qr/(?:[\s\t,]|=>)/;
	my $ml = qr/^\s*(?:qw)?[\/('"]?\s*($m(?:$s$m)*)/;
	my $fl = qr/^\s*(?:qw)?[\/('"]?\s*($m(?:$s$m)*)/;
	my $vl = qr/^\s*(?:qw)?[\/('"]?\s*($v(?:$s$v)*)/;
	# special pragma (vars, subs)
	if (($module eq "vars" || $module eq "subs") && $rest =~ $vl) {
		my $mod = module_filename($module);
		$require{$mod} = undef;
		debug "$module: \$requires{$mod} = yes";

	# special pragma (constant)
	if ($module eq "constant" && $rest =~ $ml) {
		my $mod = module_filename($module);
		$require{$mod} = undef;
		debug "$module: \$requires{$mod} = yes";

	# special pragma (base, autouse)
	if (($module eq "base" || $module eq "autouse") && $rest =~ $vl) {
		my $modules = $1;
		my @modules = split $s, $modules;
		foreach my $mod (@modules, $module) {
			if ($mod =~ /^\w+(::\w+)*$/) {
				$mod = module_filename($mod);
				$require{$mod} = undef;
				debug "$module: \$requires{$mod} = yes";

	# special pragma (overload)
	if ($statement eq "use" && $module eq "overload" && $rest =~ /'|"|=>|,/) {
		my $mod = module_filename($module);
		$require{$mod} = undef;
		debug "\$requires{$mod} = yes";

	# perl module
	if ($module && $module =~ /^\w+(::\w+)*$/ &&
		($rest =~ /^$|^[;}"']|\b(if|unless|eval)\b|\(|^v?\d|qw|$fl/ &&
		$indent =~ /^\s*$|[^\w\s]\s*$/) &&
		($statement eq "use" || $statement eq "require")) 
		$module = module_filename($module);
		my ($version) = $rest =~ /^(v?[0-9._]+)\b/;
		if ($version) {
			$version = package_version($version);
			debug "\$require{$module} >= $version";
			$require{$module} = $version
				unless $require{$module} && $require{$module} >= $version;
		} else {
			$require{$module} = undef;
			debug "\$require{$module} = yes";
	debug "untrapped: $_";

    die("$0: Could not close file: '$file' : $!\n");
  return ; 

# module_filename($name) -
# converts module name to relative file path

sub module_filename {
  my $name = shift;
  $name =~ s{::|'}{/}g;
  return $name . '.pm'; 	#'

# package_version($version[, $oldformat]) -
# converts Perl version constant to RPM package version.
# New style 'vN.N.N' numbers are converted to epoch 1 versions,
# whereas old-style floating point versions are given epoch 0 and
# optionally formatted by sprintf() using supplied format.
# Parameters:
#   $version - version number in 'vN.N.N' or 'N.NNN_NN' format
#   $oldformat - format specifier for sprintf() used to format old-style
#       floating-point version number

sub package_version {
  my $version = shift;
  if ($version =~ s/^v// || $version =~ /\.[\d_]+\./) {
    return "1:$version";
  else {
    my $format = shift;
    $format = '%s' unless defined $format;
    return '0:' . sprintf($format, $version);
----------- следующая часть -----------
--- perl.prov.orig	2002-03-26 00:53:08 +0300
+++ perl.prov	2002-11-01 01:52:25 +0300
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 # by Ken Estes Mail.com kestes на staff.mail.com
 # modified by Mikhail Zabaluev <mookid на mu.ru>
+# modified by Alexey Tourbin <at на turbinal.org>
 require v5.6.0;
@@ -154,6 +155,10 @@
   my $inpackage = 0;
+  my ($package_name, $package_filename);
+  my $module_path = $module_file;
+  $module_path =~ s/(.+?)\/(.+)/$1\//;
   while (<FILE>) {
     # skip the documentation
@@ -166,6 +171,10 @@
+    if ( (m/^=(over)/) .. (m/^=(back)/) ) {
+      next;
+    }
     # skip the data section
     if (m/^__(DATA|END)__$/) {
@@ -175,25 +184,43 @@
     # package name so we browse through all namespaces
     if (m/^\s*package\s+([\w:']+)\s*;/) {
-      $inpackage =  (module_filename($1) eq $module_file)? 1 : 0;
-      next;
+# AT: 
+# $ grep '^[ \t]*package' /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm
+# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm:package B::CC;
+# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm:    package B::Pseudoreg;
+# /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/B/CC.pm:    package B::Shadow;
+	$package_name = $1;
+	$package_filename = module_filename($package_name);
+	next if $package_filename eq $module_file;
+	if ($module_path && index($package_filename, $module_path) == 0) {
+		$provide{$package_filename} = undef;
+	} else {
+		undef $package_name;
+		undef $package_filename;
+	}
+	next;
     # after we found the package name take the first assignment to
     # $VERSION as the version number. Exporter requires that the
     # variable be called VERSION so we are safe.
-    if ($inpackage &&
+    if ($package_filename &&
 	s/^([\s(]*)(our\s*)?\$VERSION\s*=/$1\$VERSION =/) {
-      $provide{$module_file} = extract_version($_);
+      $provide{$package_filename} = extract_version($_);
     # also consider version initializations with explicit package specification
     if (s/^([\s(]*)(our\s*)?\$([\w:']+)::VERSION\s*=/$1\$VERSION =/) {
-      if (module_filename($3) eq $module_file) {
-	$provide{$module_file} = extract_version($_);
+      my $filename = module_filename($3);
+      if ($filename eq $module_file || 
+        $module_path && index($filename, $module_path) == 0) 
+      {
+	$provide{$filename} = extract_version($_);

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