[devel] severities
Peter Novodvorsky
Вс Сен 30 13:57:03 MSD 2001
Задался я вопросом, как бы нам классифицировать наши баги.
Вот например как это делает mantis по умолчанию:
* block - prevents further work/progress from being made
* crash - crashes the application or OS
* major - major bug
* minor - minor bug
* tweak - needs tweaking
* text - error in the text
* trivial - being nitpicky
* feature - requesting new feature
Вот как это делается в Debian:
makes unrelated software on the system (or the whole system)
break, or causes serious data loss, or introduces a security
hole on systems where you install the package.
makes the package in question unuseable or mostly so, or causes
data loss, or introduces a security hole allowing access to the
accounts of users who use the package.
any other bug which makes the package unsuitable for release.
the default value, for normal bugs.
for any feature request, and also for any bugs that are very
difficult to fix due to major design considerations.
for bugs that are fixed but should not yet be closed. Bugs
fixed by non-maintainer-uploads have their severity set to
Я хочу поменять severities, так как mantis'овские severities меня
не устраивают из-за пересечений между классами багов. например класс
crash полностью принадлежит классу major.
Peter Novodvorsky http://www.altlinux.ru/ AltLinux Team, Russia
Debian.Org http://debian.org/~nidd
Debian --- no need to wait for tomorrow.
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П. Смирновский. ``Учебник русской грамматики''
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