[devel] Re: [mdk-re] What is RPM buildreq?

Dmitry V. Levin =?iso-8859-1?q?ldv_=CE=C1_alt-linux=2Eorg?=
Ср Окт 24 15:11:41 MSD 2001

On Wed, Oct 24, 2001 at 09:00:14AM +0400, Andrey Astafiev wrote:
> >   Во многих spec'ах от ALT есть такой фрагмент:
> > # Automatically added by buildreq on <date>
> > BuildRequires: <длинный список пакетов>
> > 
> >   Что за зверь buildreq и как с ним подружиться :-) ?
> > В Spring'е не нашел...
> ставите пакет buildreqs и запускаете
> $ buildreq your.spec
> строка будет добавлена в спек.

Добавлю от себя, что с недавних пор пакет buildreqs вошел в состав другого
(нового) пакета rpm-utils:
Name        : rpm-utils                    Relocations: (not relocateable)
Version     : 0.1                               Vendor: ALT Linux Team
Release     : alt1                          Build Date: Mon Oct 22 18:52:33 2001
Install date: (not installed)               Build Host: basalt.office.altlinux.ru
Group       : Development/Other             Source RPM: rpm-utils-0.1-alt1.src.rpm
Size        : 29653                            License: GPL
Packager    : Dmitry V. Levin <ldv на alt-linux.org>
Summary     : Utilities every rpm packager must have
Description :
This package contains following utilities:
+ filereq - generates list of file requires while running the program;
+ packagereq - generates list of package requires while running the program;
+ buildreq - generates and adds/updates BuildRequires tag in specfiles;
+ rpmdups - generates list of duplicated packages;
+ stamp_spec - generates timestamp for rpm specfile changelog entry;
+ add_changelog - generates and adds changelog entry to rpm specfile;
+ compare_packages - generates lists of package sets and compares them;
+ cleanup_spec - attempts to cleanup rpm specfile;
+ rebuild_package - rebuilds source package keeping packager info unchanged.


Dmitry V. Levin     mailto://ldv@alt-linux.org
ALT Linux Team      http://www.altlinux.ru/
Fandra Project      http://www.fandra.org/
UNIX is user friendly. It's just very selective about who its friends are.
----------- следующая часть -----------
Было удалено вложение не в текстовом формате...
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Тип     : application/pgp-signature
Размер  : 232 байтов
Описание: =?iso-8859-1?q?=CF=D4=D3=D5=D4=D3=D4=D7=D5=C5=D4?=
Url     : <http://lists.altlinux.org/pipermail/devel/attachments/20011024/0d814355/attachment-0001.bin>

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