[d-kernel] kernel-image-aw-smp-1:2.4.21-alt23: rebuild failed

QA Team Robot qa at altlinux.org
Tue Jan 20 19:31:32 MSK 2004

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Package: kernel-image-aw-smp-1:2.4.21-alt23
Packager: Kernel Maintainer Team <kernel at packages.altlinux>
Build Statistics:
	24 time(s) (last time: Wed Sep 03 2003) by Ed V. Bartosh <ed at altlinux>
	8 time(s) (last time: Mon Sep 01 2003) by Zhenja Kaluta <tren at altlinux>
	3 time(s) (last time: Thu Jul 17 2003) by Alexey Kotovich <tibor at altlinux>
	1 time(s) (last time: Mon Mar 31 2003) by Peter Novodvorsky <nidd at altlinux>
Status: rebuild failed; please fix.


patching file drivers/i2c/scx200_i2c.c
patching file drivers/i2c/Config.in
patching file drivers/i2c/Makefile
Hunk #1 FAILED at 5.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/i2c/Makefile.rej
patching file drivers/acorn/char/i2c.c
patching file drivers/acorn/char/pcf8583.c
patching file drivers/ieee1394/pcilynx.c
patching file drivers/media/video/Makefile
patching file drivers/media/video/bt832.c
patching file drivers/media/video/i2c-old.c
patching file drivers/media/video/msp3400.c
patching file drivers/media/video/saa5249.c
patching file drivers/media/video/saa7146.h
patching file drivers/media/video/tda7432.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tda9875.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tda9887.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tuner-3036.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tuner.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tvaudio.c
patching file drivers/media/video/tvmixer.c
patching file drivers/sound/dmasound/dac3550a.c
patching file drivers/sound/dmasound/tas3001c.c
patching file drivers/video/matrox/i2c-matroxfb.c
patching file drivers/video/matrox/matroxfb_maven.c
patching file drivers/pcmcia/sa1100_stork.c
error: Bad exit status from /usr/src/RPM/tmp/rpm-tmp.5201 (%prep)

RPM build errors:
    Bad exit status from /usr/src/RPM/tmp/rpm-tmp.5201 (%prep)
60.25user 4.14system 1:12.63elapsed 88%CPU (0avgtext+0avgdata 0maxresident)k
0inputs+0outputs (17764major+7688minor)pagefaults 0swaps
rebuild: rebuild of `kernel-image-aw-smp-2.4.21-alt23.src.rpm' failed.

	Anyone wishing to smoke, however, must file, in triplicate, the
	U.S. government Environmental Impact Narrative Statement (EINS),
	describing in detail the type of combustion proposed, impact on
	the environment, and anticipated opposition.  Statements must be
	filed 30 days in advance.

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