[devel-distro] Сборка десктопа: overmounting /image

Eugene Prokopiev enp at altlinux.org
Mon Sep 29 12:40:00 MSK 2008


Собирал последний десктоп так:

$ git-clone git.alt:/people/boyarsh/packages/mkimage-profiles-desktop.git
$ cd mkimage-profiles-desktop
$ autoconf
$ ./configure --with-aptconf=/home/enp/mkimage/apt.conf.M41
$ cat /home/enp/mkimage/apt.conf.M41
Dir::Etc::SourceList    /home/enp/mkimage/sources.list.M41;
$ cat /home/enp/mkimage/sources.list.M41
rpm ftp://fileserver/distrib/free/linux/alt/4.1/branch/ i586 classic
rpm ftp://fileserver/distrib/free/linux/alt/4.1/branch/ noarch classic
$ make minimal.cd

При загрузке в VMware получил:

Spawining init ...FATAL ERROR IN INIT: overmounting /image
I can't recover from this,  please reboot manually and send bugreport.

Как лечить?

С уважением,
Прокопьев Евгений

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