[Desktop] ALD 4.0.1, fpc

Andrei Lomov =?iso-8859-1?q?lomov_=CE=C1_math=2Ensc=2Eru?=
Пт Янв 11 15:14:41 MSK 2008

Алексей Шенцев wrote:

> В сообщении от Friday 04 January 2008 20:35:06 Andrei Lomov написал(а):
>> Подскажите, пожалуйста,
>> куда упакованы fpc docs, demos
>> в ALD 4.0.1
> 1) покажите вывод rpm -qa | sort | grep fpc

$ rpm -qa | sort | grep fpc

Инсталляция занимает около 100 Мб. 
Многовато для компиляции простых текстовых программок ...
Подключение rtl, gfx тянет за собой gtk* ... Надо ли

> 2) Покажите вывод cat /etc/fpc.cfg
$  cat /etc/fpc.cfg
# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal Compiler

# ----------------------
# Defines (preprocessor)
# ----------------------

# nested #IFNDEF, #IFDEF, #ENDIF, #ELSE, #DEFINE, #UNDEF are allowed
# -d is the same as #DEFINE
# -u is the same as #UNDEF

# Some examples (for switches see below, and the -? helppages)
# Try compiling with the -dRELEASE or -dDEBUG on the commandline

# For a release compile with optimizes and strip debuginfo
  #WRITE Compiling Release Version

# For a debug version compile with debuginfo and all codegeneration checks
  #WRITE Compiling Debug Version

# set binutils prefix


#IFNDEF linux


# ----------------
# Parsing switches
# ----------------

# Pascal language mode
#      -Mfpc      free pascal dialect (default)
#      -Mobjfpc   switch some Delphi 2 extensions on
#      -Mdelphi   tries to be Delphi compatible
#      -Mtp       tries to be TP/BP 7.0 compatible
#      -Mgpc      tries to be gpc compatible
#      -Mmacpas   tries to be compatible to the macintosh pascal dialects
# Turn on Object Pascal extensions by default

# Assembler reader mode
#      -Rdefault  use default assembler
#      -Ratt      read AT&T style assembler
#      -Rintel    read Intel style assembler
# All assembler blocks are AT&T styled by default

# Semantic checking
#      -S2        same as -Mobjfpc
#      -Sc        supports operators like C (*=,+=,/= and -=)
#      -Sa        include assertion code.
#      -Sd        same as -Mdelphi
#      -Se<x>     error options. <x> is a combination of the following:
#         <n> : compiler stops after the <n> errors (default is 1)
#         w : compiler stops also after warnings
#         n : compiler stops also after notes
#         h : compiler stops also after hints
#      -Sg        allow LABEL and GOTO
#      -Sh        Use ansistrings
#      -Si        support C++ styled INLINE
#      -Sk        load fpcylix unit
#      -SI<x>     set interface style to <x>
#         -SIcom     COM compatible interface (default)
#         -SIcorba   CORBA compatible interface
#      -Sm        support macros like C (global)
#      -So        same as -Mtp
#      -Sp        same as -Mgpc
#      -Ss        constructor name must be init (destructor must be done)
#      -St        allow static keyword in objects
#      -Sx        enable exception keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)
# Allow goto, inline, C-operators, C-vars

# ---------------
# Code generation
# ---------------

# Uncomment the next line if you always want static/dynamic units by default
# (can be overruled with -CD, -CS at the commandline)

# Set the default heapsize to 8Mb

# Set default codegeneration checks (iocheck, overflow, range, stack)

# Optimizer switches
# -Os        generate smaller code
# -O1        level 1 optimizations (quick optimizations, debuggable)
# -O2        level 2 optimizations (-O1 + optimizations which make debugging
more difficult)
# -O3        level 3 optimizations (-O2 + optimizations which also may make
the program slower rathe
r than faster)
# -Op<x>     set target cpu for optimizing, see fpc -i for possible values
# See "fpc -i" also for more fine-grained control over which optimizations
# to perform

# -----------------------
# Set Filenames and Paths
# -----------------------

# Slashes are also allowed under dos

# path to the messagefile, not necessary anymore but can be used to override
# the default language

# searchpath for includefiles

# searchpath for units and other system dependent things

# searchpath for libraries


# -------------
# Linking
# -------------

# generate always debugging information for GDB (slows down the compiling
# process)
#      -gc        generate checks for pointers
#      -gd        use dbx
#      -gg        use gsym
#      -gh        use heap trace unit (for memory leak debugging)
#      -gl        use line info unit to show more info for backtraces
#      -gv        generates programs tracable with valgrind
#      -gw        generate dwarf debugging info
# Enable debuginfo and use the line info unit by default

# always pass an option to the linker

# Always strip debuginfo from the executable

# -------------
# Miscellaneous
# -------------

# Write always a nice FPC logo ;)

# Verbosity
#      e : Show errors (default)       d : Show debug info
#      w : Show warnings               u : Show unit info
#      n : Show notes                  t : Show tried/used files
#      h : Show hints                  c : Show conditionals
#      i : Show general info           d : Show debug info
#      l : Show linenumbers            r : Rhide/GCC compatibility mode
#      a : Show everything             x : Executable info (Win32 only)
#      b : Write file names messages with full path
#      v : write fpcdebug.txt with     p : Write tree.log with parse tree
#          lots of debugging info
# Display Info, Warnings and Notes
# If you don't want so much verbosity use

# That's all folks

Проблема осталась:
$ fpc yyu_.pas
yyu_.pas(23,5) Fatal: Can't find unit System
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/bin/ppc386 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not
specify a source file to be compiled)

Если убрать весь бранчевый fpc и поставить старый 
fpc-1.0.10-alt1.i586.rpm из ALC3,
то все компилится

> 3) А документация по fpc у нас ни куда не упаковывается. Нету её в нашей
> сборке. 

Я обошелся установкой 

> Единственно от куда её у нас можно выковырять, так это из 
> установленного пакета fpc-src:
> /usr/share/fpcsrc/utils/fpdoc.
> 4) fpc-src сам по себе является прекрасным demo & examples.

На здоровье

> Не путайте две разные вещи: конфиг для fpc и конфиги для fp. 

Не использую fp

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