[Comm] Lite на ноуте вешаеться (

Владимир Гусев =?iso-8859-1?q?vova1971_=CE=C1_narod=2Eru?=
Вс Янв 27 22:54:29 MSK 2008

> Поищите вот тут (http://www.linux-laptop.net/ibm.html), может какой-то
> опыт пригодится.. Ищите свою марку ноута..

The sound chip is the CS4237b. To use it, run alsaconf, which will
search for a card and not find one. When it asks you to perform an ISA
search, say yes. The cs4236 driver works. There's no need to search all
DMAs. Alsaconf will configure the card for use, at which point mpg123
will work.

С уважением,
Владимир Гусев

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