[Comm] LaTeX (amsart.cls)
Andrei Lomov
Пн Окт 8 22:27:03 MSD 2007
Есть одна старая проблема,
в ALD4 в том числе.
В классе [russian]amsart заголовок русского текста
упорно отображается строчными буквами, в нижнем регистре.
Видимо, надо разбираться с
Может, глянет кто опытным глазом?
Вот файл:
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Textclass specific LaTeX commands.
\newtheorem{acknowledgement}[thm]{Выражение признательности}
\newtheorem{case}{СлучайCase} %%Numbering of Cases not keyed to sections
\title{Test of AMS-Art Style Заголовок}
\author{Давид Л. Джонсон}
\address{Department of Mathematics\\
Lehigh University\\
Bethlehem, PA 18015}
\email{dlj0 на lehigh.edu}
\thanks{To Emmanuel, for forcing me to fix this, and Jean-Marc, for making
it possible, and necessary. Also to Mate, who suggested numerous
\dedicatory{To my wife.}
\translator{Joe и я}
\subjclass{Primary: 12G34, Secondary: 09G87}
This is not very abstract. Note that the abstract must be part of
the title stuff for AMS. \LyX{} is aware of that since version 0.12.1.
Good. Да.
This file, and any amsart-{*} \LyX{} file, can be converted to either
of the numbering schemes by simply changing the document class in
A wild guess.
Need some criteria
\bibitem{1}Johnson, D. L. \emph{Out of my head}
\bibitem{2}American Mathematical Society, \emph{Instructions for
preparation of papers and monographs: AMS-\LaTeX{}}, (1997).
\bibitem{3}American Mathematical Society,
Всего доброго,
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