[Comm] BeesoftCommander

Шенцев Алексей Владимирович ashen на nsrz.ru
Пн Май 15 10:06:03 MSD 2006

Привет всем! Кому интересно опакеченный сабж 2.21 на
Если надо то выложу и backport для ALC3.0

Last changes (for more information see ChangeLog.txt): 
There is implemented new solution, usefull for administrators of systems whith 
have lot of users (copmanies, schools). 
 Admin can create in directory '/usr/share/bsc' file named 'limits.bsc.txt', 
which can contain permissions and restrictions about changing directories by 
 The statement of being a file makes that combobox 'fstab' is not showed.
 It is a text file, in which every line can contain only one record. Line 
started by: 'accept': contain permission for using written directory. 
Subdirectory can be blocked by writing it in the next line started 
by: 'block:'. Line started by '#' sign is a comment.
 Order of this lines has no matter.
 #this is a comment
Ctrl+L opened edit field which contain path into a current directory
Ctrl+O change directory from unactive panel into panel which as currently 
showed in main panel (after operation both panel shows the same directory)
If during the copying it will happen that file with the same name allready 
exist over there, user have a possbility to change name of this file.
 Help for user is proposition of new name of this file, which for sure doesnt 
exist in this directory.
 Proposal is : dir/basename_xxx.ext, where x means number - from 001 to 999.

С уважением Шенцев Алексей Владимирович.
E-mail: ashen на nsrz.ru
ICQ: 271053845

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