[Comm] ALC3.0 Скорость мыши.
Владимир Гусев
Ср Мар 1 15:13:10 MSK 2006
> Здравствуйте! Подскажите, как можно увеличить
> скорость ps/2 мыши, ну очень медленно, (а
> ускорение, ну очень не удобно ;-).Resolution в
> xorg.conf не влияет никак.
Может быть так:
в .xinitrc (или .xsession, если runlevel=5) lj добавить в начало строку:
xset m 3 2
В общем man xset
m The m option controls the mouse parameters. The parameters for
the mouse are `acceleration' and `threshold'. The
can be specified as an integer, or as a simple fraction.
mouse, or whatever pointer the machine is connected to,
will go
`acceleration' times as fast when it travels more than
old' pixels in a short time. This way, the mouse can be
for precise alignment when it is moved slowly, yet it
can be
set to travel across the screen in a flick of the wrist
desired. One or both parameters for the m option can be
ted, but if only one is given, it will be interpreted as
acceleration. If no parameters or the flag 'default' is
the system defaults will be set.
С уважением, Владимир Гусев
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