[Comm] Postfix -- REJECT for connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
Vladimir V. Kamarzin
Вт Янв 24 13:19:38 MSK 2006
>>>>> On 24 Jan 2006 at 00:42 "JL" == Jury Levykin writes:
JL> ALM 2.4,
JL> подскажите пожалуйста, что нужно прописать в конфигурации postfix
JL> чтобы он РЕДЖЕКТИЛ сообщения приходящие он неопознанных машин?
JL> В логе это выглядит так:
JL> connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
Reject the request when the client IP address has no PTR
(address to name) record in the DNS, or when the PTR record does
not have a matching A (name to address) record.
The unknown_client_reject_code parameter specifies the response
code for rejected requests (default: 450). The reply is always
450 in case the hostname lookup failed due to a temporary prob-
In addition, you can use any of the following generic restrictions.
These restrictions are applicable in any SMTP command context.
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