[JT] Re: [Comm] Re: MathCAD, MathLab
Michael Shigorin
Пт Ноя 4 00:45:43 MSK 2005
On Thu, Nov 03, 2005 at 09:43:30AM -0000, Aleksander N. Gorohovski wrote:
> >>>>У него свой язык, типа программирования, но, по моему, лучше
> >>>>уж писать на С.
> >>>Математику? Ну-ну.
> >>Сурьезную математику, а не беллетристику.
> >Сурьёзную математику на Це писать сильно дорого выходит.
> >Разберёте такую мелочь, как аттачик (в смысле "что оно делает")
> Миша, я до конца не понял ваш язык изопа?
Вообще-то это был язык C. :]
> What is "аттачик"?
an attach. Цепляю ещё раз (хотя и тогда вроде не забыл?).
> :-)
---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike на altlinux.ru>
------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/
----------- следующая часть -----------
* ALCANOL -- the alcanol isomeres number calculations
* Version 0.20 of May 10 2000 by Michael Shigorin <michael.shigorin на usa.net>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gmp.h"
#define counter_t unsigned int /* used for counters -- 32bit for me */
//#define TIMER /* timing support */
//#define DEBUG /* more verbosity */
#define MAX_DEGREE 4096 /* CPU/RAM/time's the limit :) */
#define MAX_LEN 255 /* max length of iofile name */
#define FORMAT "%d:\t" /* ^data file format excl. HUGE numbers$ */
#ifdef TIMER
#define LOGFORMAT "%d\t%f" /* number <tab> seconds */
#define TIMEXT ".log" /* extension to add for log */
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
mpz_t source [MAX_DEGREE], factor, buffer;
mpz_t temp;
FILE *iofile;
char filename [MAX_LEN];
counter_t max;
#ifdef TIMER
char logname [MAX_LEN];
FILE *logfile;
float timer;
struct timeval raw_timer;
struct timezone tz; /* stub */
float alk_time (void);
void init (void);
void parse (void);
void calculate (void);
void print (void);
void usage (void);
void shutdown (void);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
if( argc != 2 ) usage ();
strncpy (filename, argv [1], strlen (argv [1])+1);
#ifdef TIMER
snprintf (logname, strlen (filename)+strlen (TIMEXT)+1, "%s%s", filename, TIMEXT);
init ();
parse ();
calculate ();
print ();
shutdown ();
return (0);
#ifdef TIMER
float alk_time (void) {
gettimeofday (&raw_timer, &tz);
return (float)raw_timer.tv_sec + (float)raw_timer.tv_usec/1000000;
void usage (void) {
fprintf (stderr, "I need one argument (a file to proceed)!\n");
exit (1);
void init (void) {
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "\nReading data from <%s>...\n", filename);
if( !(iofile = fopen (filename, "r")) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error: cannot Open Source file <%s>\n", filename);
exit (1);
void parse (void) {
mpz_init (temp);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "Parsing...");
while( !feof(iofile) ) {
if( fscanf(iofile, FORMAT, &max) ) {
if( mpz_inp_str (temp, iofile, 10) ) mpz_set (source [max], temp);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error: malformed line #%d", max);
exit (2);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, " ok, maximal degree is %d.\n", max);
void calculate (void) {
counter_t i, j;
#ifdef TIMER
timer = alk_time ();
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "Calculating factor by degree %d.\n", max+1);
mpz_init_set_ui (factor, 0);
/* first part -- C^3(x). Take only those parts of degree == max */
for( i=0; i<=max; i++ )
for( j=0; j<=max-i; j++ ) {
mpz_mul (temp, source [i], source [j]);
mpz_mul (temp, source [max-i-j], temp);
mpz_add (factor, temp, factor);
/* next part -- 3*C(x)*C(x^2). A bit tricky... */
for( i=max%2; i<=max; i+=2 ) { /* evens and odds */
mpz_mul_ui (temp, source [i], 3);
mpz_mul (temp, source [(max-i)>>1], temp);
mpz_add (factor, temp, factor);
/* last part -- 2*C(x^3). */
if( !(max % 3) ) {
mpz_mul_ui (temp, source [max/3], 2);
mpz_add (factor, temp, factor);
/* and finally, divide factor by 6. If it doesn't........ */
mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (factor, temp, factor, 6);
if( mpz_cmp_ui (temp, 0) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "INTERNAL ERROR OR BAD DATA!\n");
fprintf (stderr, " is not divisible by 6 (#%d)\n", max+1);
exit (3); /* ...... */
#ifdef TIMER
timer = alk_time () - timer;
void print (void) {
if( !(iofile = fopen (filename, "a")) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Error: cannot open output file <%s>\n", filename);
fclose (iofile);
exit (1);
#ifdef TIMER
if( !(logfile = fopen (logname, "a")) ) {
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: cannot open log file <%s>\n", logname);
} else {
fprintf (logfile, LOGFORMAT, max+1, timer);
putc ('\n', logfile);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf (stderr, "Writing to <%s>.\n", filename);
fprintf (iofile, FORMAT, max+1);
mpz_out_str (iofile, 10, factor);
putc ('\n', iofile);
void shutdown (void) {
fclose (iofile);
#ifdef TIMER
fclose (logfile);
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