[Comm] Re: Как создать виртуальный пакет?
Andrey Brindeew
Вс Ноя 28 17:33:48 MSK 2004
On Sun, Nov 28, 2004 at 08:13:22PM +0600, php-coder wrote:
> DS> 3. делаю виртуальный пакет, который Cnoflicts всю эту гадость
> У меня вот возник вопрос: а как этот виртуальный пакет создать?
пример приаттачен.
> С уважением, php-coder (mailto:php-coder[at]ngs[dot]ru)
что-то не похоже на уважение, вас уже неоднократно просили
сократить неадекватную подпись, см. ниже.
> 010010010010010001010101100::Linux RuleZz!::100010010001000100010001110
WBR, Andrey Brindeew.
"No one person can understand Perl culture completely"
(C) Larry Wall.
----------- следующая часть -----------
Name: rian-virtual
Version: 1.0
Release: alt6
Summary: RIAN virtual package
License: GPL
Group: System
URL: http://www.rian.ru/
BuildArch: noarch
Virtual package with dependencies
%package -n rian-base
Summary: Virtual package for base system
License: GPL
Group: System
Requires: basesystem anacron sudo rpm-build monit vim-enhanced zsh vlock findutils slocate e2fsprogs lilo mkinitrd screen
%description -n rian-base
Virtual package for base system
%package -n rian-network-utils
Summary: Virtual package for network utilites
License: GPL
Group: System
Requires: iputils ntpdate iproute2 nmap traceroute tcpdump postfix iptables ntp-utils telnet procps lynx openssh-server openssh-clients bind-utils ftp lftp
%description -n rian-network-utils
Virtual package for network utilites
%package -n rian-hardware-utils
Summary: Hardware utilites
License: GPL
Group: System
Requires: fdisk sfdisk smartmontools ethtool hdparm minicom
%description -n rian-hardware-utils
Virtual package for hardware utilites
# Composite packages
%package -n rian-netserver-strict
Summary: RIAN restricted netserver
License: GPL
Group: System
Requires: rian-base rian-network-utils rian-hardware-utils rian-scripts
Conflicts: design-bootsplash bootsplash cabextract flash-plugin freetype freetype2 gnome-libs gpm gtk+ kudzu libjpeg libldap mozilla nvidia_glx_common XFree86-libs xpm
%description -n rian-netserver-strict
RIAN restricted NetServer
%files -n rian-base
%files -n rian-network-utils
%files -n rian-hardware-utils
# Composite packages
%files -n rian-netserver-strict
* Fri May 28 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt6
- Added dependency on rian-scripts to rian-netserver-strict
* Fri May 28 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt5
- A lot of conflicts in rian-netserver-strict
- Added {,l}ftp to rian-network-utilites
- Added minicom to rian-hardware-utilites
* Fri May 28 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt4
- Package splitted to subpackages
* Fri May 28 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt3
- Added bind-utils
* Fri May 28 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt2
- Added openssh-{server,clients}
* Wed May 26 2004 Andrey Brindeew <abr на altlinux.org> 1.0-alt1
- Initial release
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