[Comm] Ошибка линковки (?) с glib(?) и gmime
Dmitry Alexeyev
Чт Янв 22 17:54:38 MSK 2004
Добрый день!
Получаю вот такие ошибки при сборке программы с glib2 и gmime2.
В чём может быть проблема?
[dmi на dmi mbox2mysql-0.3]$ make
gcc -g -Wall -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
-I/usr/include/gmime-2.0 -I/usr/include/glib-2.0
-I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include mysql.o mbox.o db.o -lmysqlclient
-lglib-2.0 -lgmime-2.0 -lnsl -o mbox2mysql
mbox.o(.text+0x2b1): In function `process_multipart':
/home/dmi/_wrk/mboxfix/mbox2mysql-0.3/mbox.c:115: undefined reference to
undefined reference to `g_type_check_instance_is_a'
undefined reference to `g_type_check_instance_is_a'
mbox.o(.text+0x456): In function `process_message_part':
/home/dmi/_wrk/mboxfix/mbox2mysql-0.3/mbox.c:182: undefined reference to
mbox.o(.text+0x50a): In function `process_part':
/home/dmi/_wrk/mboxfix/mbox2mysql-0.3/mbox.c:213: undefined reference to
mbox.o(.text+0xf78): In function `process_message':
/home/dmi/_wrk/mboxfix/mbox2mysql-0.3/mbox.c:601: undefined reference to
db.o(.text+0xdb1): In function `extract_mime':
/home/dmi/_wrk/mboxfix/mbox2mysql-0.3/db.c:426: undefined reference to
undefined reference to `g_type_check_instance_cast'
undefined reference to `g_object_new'
undefined reference to `g_type_check_class_cast'
undefined reference to `g_type_register_static'
undefined reference to `g_object_ref'
undefined reference to `g_type_init'
undefined reference to `g_type_class_ref'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Ошибка 1
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