[Comm] master2.0->2.2 upgrade:report and questions

Sergey Solomonov =?iso-8859-1?q?sol_=CE=C1_codis=2Eshpl=2Eru?=
Ср Мар 19 17:05:24 MSK 2003

Привет community!
Upgrade 2.0(+updates)->2.2 делал по инструкции.
Машина - см приложение dmesg
После занесения информации о CD
apt-get gist-upgrade пришлось запускать 3 раза -из-за ошибки 192 
в rpm.
Ядро kernel24-linus-smp-2.4.20-alt4 установилось в процессе 
	После обновления долго пытался напечатать на принтер netware, 
пока не нашел пакет cups-backend-ncp. Но, как и ранее, принтер 
netware довольно часто теряется. Помогает перезапуск cups.
	Konqueror с вкладками - это замечательно. IMHO снова появилось 
поведение как в версии 1 - часто segfault при удалении дерева 
	Lisa не конфигурировалась пока не разрешил su (это теперь по 
умолчанию su только для root?) Но и после не запускается. 
Никогда не пользовался но тред в рассылке подвинул посмотреть.
	Mozilla после обновления стала часто вываливаться без объяснения 
причин ( я подозреваю загрузку неизвестных ей mime-type с сайтов 
но все равно плохо)
	Apache долго стартует. Секунд 20. Что хочет не говорит. Пришлось 
увеличивать время ожидания старта /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd

	В целом, впечатление от дистрибутива хорошее. Спасибо 

Вопрос. Как   обновить spring2001 до Мастера 2.2?
SPRING2Master из 2.0 наверное уже не поможет из-за updates.
Сервера рабочие, надо обязательно сохранить пользователей, базы 
mysql+php+apache и минимизировать простой.



Соломонов С.Н.
----------- следующая часть -----------
Linux version 2.4.20-alt7-smp (ldv на skif.office.altlinux.ru) (gcc version 2.96 20000731 (ALT Linux, build 2.96-alt3)) #1 SMP Fri Mar 14 14:20:53 MSK 2003
BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009f800 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 000000000009f800 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000000ed400 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 0000000008000000 (usable)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec10000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved)
 BIOS-e820: 00000000fffed400 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
0MB HIGHMEM available.
128MB LOWMEM available.
found SMP MP-table at 000f7830
hm, page 000f7000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000f8000 reserved twice.
hm, page 0009f000 reserved twice.
hm, page 000a0000 reserved twice.
On node 0 totalpages: 32768
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 28672 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Intel MultiProcessor Specification v1.4
    Virtual Wire compatibility mode.
OEM ID: Gateway  Product ID: ALR 8200     APIC at: 0xFEE00000
Processor #0 Pentium(tm) Pro APIC version 17
I/O APIC #1 Version 17 at 0xFEC00000.
Processors: 1
Kernel command line: fbprogress=/dev/tty10 root=/dev/hda1
Initializing CPU#0
Detected 349.184 MHz processor.
Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
Calibrating delay loop... 696.32 BogoMIPS
Memory: 125804k/131072k available (1046k kernel code, 3728k reserved, 431k data, 124k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
Intel machine check architecture supported.
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU:     After generic, caps: 0183fbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU:             Common caps: 0183fbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
mtrr: v1.40 (20010327) Richard Gooch (rgooch на atnf.csiro.au)
mtrr: detected mtrr type: Intel
CPU: L1 I cache: 16K, L1 D cache: 16K
CPU: L2 cache: 512K
Intel machine check reporting enabled on CPU#0.
CPU:     After generic, caps: 0183fbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU:             Common caps: 0183fbff 00000000 00000000 00000000
CPU0: Intel Pentium II (Deschutes) stepping 01
per-CPU timeslice cutoff: 1463.62 usecs.
enabled ExtINT on CPU#0
ESR value before enabling vector: 00000000
ESR value after enabling vector: 00000000
Error: only one processor found.
Setting 1 in the phys_id_present_map
...changing IO-APIC physical APIC ID to 1 ... ok.
 IO-APIC (apicid-pin) 1-0, 1-9, 1-11, 1-17, 1-18, 1-20, 1-21, 1-22, 1-23 not connected.
..TIMER: vector=0x31 pin1=2 pin2=0
number of MP IRQ sources: 17.
number of IO-APIC #1 registers: 24.
testing the IO APIC.......................

IO APIC #1......
.... register #00: 01000000
.......    : physical APIC id: 01
.... register #01: 00170011
.......     : max redirection entries: 0017
.......     : PRQ implemented: 0
.......     : IO APIC version: 0011
.... register #02: 00000000
.......     : arbitration: 00
.... IRQ redirection table:
 NR Log Phy Mask Trig IRR Pol Stat Dest Deli Vect:   
 00 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 01 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    39
 02 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    31
 03 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    41
 04 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    49
 05 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    51
 06 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    59
 07 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    61
 08 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    69
 09 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 0a 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    71
 0b 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 0c 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    79
 0d 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    81
 0e 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    89
 0f 001 01  0    0    0   0   0    1    1    91
 10 001 01  1    1    0   1   0    1    1    99
 11 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 12 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 13 001 01  1    1    0   1   0    1    1    A1
 14 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 15 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 16 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
 17 000 00  1    0    0   0   0    0    0    00
IRQ to pin mappings:
IRQ0 -> 0:2
IRQ1 -> 0:1
IRQ3 -> 0:3
IRQ4 -> 0:4
IRQ5 -> 0:5
IRQ6 -> 0:6
IRQ7 -> 0:7
IRQ8 -> 0:8
IRQ10 -> 0:10
IRQ12 -> 0:12
IRQ13 -> 0:13
IRQ14 -> 0:14
IRQ15 -> 0:15
IRQ16 -> 0:16
IRQ19 -> 0:19
.................................... done.
Using local APIC timer interrupts.
calibrating APIC timer ...
..... CPU clock speed is 349.1900 MHz.
..... host bus clock speed is 99.7684 MHz.
cpu: 0, clocks: 997684, slice: 498842
Waiting on wait_init_idle (map = 0x0)
All processors have done init_idle
PCI: PCI BIOS revision 2.10 entry at 0xfd963, last bus=2
PCI: Using configuration type 1
PCI: Probing PCI hardware
PCI: Using IRQ router PIIX [8086/7110] at 00:02.0
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: (B0,I2,P3) -> 19
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: (B0,I3,P0) -> 16
PCI->APIC IRQ transform: (B0,I4,P0) -> 16
Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers.
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
kinoded started
VFS: Disk quotas vdquot_6.5.1
pty: 256 Unix98 ptys configured
Uniform Multi-Platform E-IDE driver Revision: 6.31
ide: Assuming 33MHz system bus speed for PIO modes; override with idebus=xx
PIIX4: IDE controller on PCI bus 00 dev 11
PIIX4: chipset revision 1
PIIX4: not 100% native mode: will probe irqs later
    ide0: BM-DMA at 0xfcb0-0xfcb7, BIOS settings: hda:DMA, hdb:pio
    ide1: BM-DMA at 0xfcb8-0xfcbf, BIOS settings: hdc:pio, hdd:DMA
hda: IBM-DTLA-307030, ATA DISK drive
hdc: FUJITSU MPD3173AT, ATA DISK drive
ide0 at 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6 on irq 14
ide1 at 0x170-0x177,0x376 on irq 15
blk: queue c02ea624, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
hda: 59772900 sectors (30604 MB) w/1916KiB Cache, CHS=63251/15/63, UDMA(33)
blk: queue c02ea988, I/O limit 4095Mb (mask 0xffffffff)
hdc: 33793232 sectors (17302 MB) w/512KiB Cache, CHS=33525/16/63, UDMA(33)
Partition check:
 hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 hda8 >
 hdc: [DM6:DDO] [remap +63] [2103/255/63] hdc1
NET4: Frame Diverter 0.46
RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 4096K size 1024 blocksize
md: md driver 0.90.0 MAX_MD_DEVS=256, MD_SB_DISKS=27
md: Autodetecting RAID arrays.
md: autorun ...
md: ... autorun DONE.
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP
IP: routing cache hash table of 1024 buckets, 8Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0
Freeing initrd memory: 100k freed
VFS: Mounted root (romfs filesystem) readonly.
Journalled Block Device driver loaded
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
VFS: Mounted root (ext3 filesystem) readonly.
Trying to move old root to /initrd ... failed
Unmounting old root
Trying to free ramdisk memory ... okay
Freeing unused kernel memory: 124k freed
Executing init=/sbin/init
Real Time Clock Driver v1.10e
Adding Swap: 409144k swap-space (priority -1)
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,1), internal journal
ip_conntrack version 2.1 (1024 buckets, 8192 max) - 296 bytes per conntrack
ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team
reiserfs: checking transaction log (device 03:08) ...
Using r5 hash to sort names
ReiserFS version 3.6.25
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,6), internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
EXT3 FS 2.4-0.9.19, 19 August 2002 on ide0(3,7), internal journal
EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.

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