[Comm] глюки mailman или как узнать пароль подписки? [was:?]

K. Neverovsky =?iso-8859-1?q?kiryla_=CE=C1_gmx=2Enet?=
Вт Окт 8 15:51:30 MSD 2002

Hello ASA,

Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 6:55:36 PM, you wrote:

A> Hello K.,

A> Tuesday, October 8, 2002, 2:16:40 PM, you wrote:

KN>> Попробовал ради интереса. Но там что-б отписаться нужно знать твой
KN>> пароль. Скажем, я свой пароль забыл. За паролем HELP посылает меня на
A> Он автоматически присылается ежемесячно.

Предлагаете человеку подаждать месячишко? Ж)

KN>>     options
KN>>         Show the current values of your list options.

A> Случаем не здесь?

 Нет, не здесь. Здеся вот что:

***** options
    hide: off
  nomail: off
     ack: off
notmetoo: off
  digest: off
   plain: on

To change an option, do: set <option> <on|off> <password>

Option explanations:
  When turned on, your email address is concealed on the Web page that
  lists the members of the mailing list.
  When turned on, delivery to your email address is disabled, but your
  address is still subscribed.  This is useful if you plan on taking a
  short vacation.
  When turned on, you get a separate acknowledgement email when you post
  messages to the list.
  When turned on, you do *not* get copies of your own posts to the list.
  Otherwise, you do get copies of your own posts
   (yes, this seems a little backwards).  This does not affect the
  of digests, so if you receive postings in digests, you will always get
  copies of your messages in the digest.
  When turned on, you get postings from the list bundled into digests.
  Otherwise, you get each individual message immediately as it is posted
  to the list.
  When turned on, you get `plain' digests, which are actually formatted
  using the older RFC934 digest format.  This format can be easier to
  read if you have a non-MIME compliant mail reader.  When this option
  is turned off, you get digests in MIME format, which are much better
  if you have a mail reader that supports MIME.


Best regards,
 K.                            mailto:kiryla на gmx.net

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