[Comm] Dosemu crashes?
Pyatnitskich Evgeniy
Чт Окт 3 15:38:19 MSD 2002
Здравствуйте! Почему не работает Dosemu?
[eugene на localhost eugene]$ dosemu
6:36pm up 30 min, 2 users, load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.08
Going to install your private DOSEMU files into the directory
Enter an empty string to confirm or a new path:
DOSEMU will run on _this_ terminal.
To exit you need to execute 'exitemu' from within DOS,
because <Ctrl>-C and 'exit' won't work!
Note, that DOS needs 25 lines and xterm per default has only 24,
so you might want to enlarge it before continuing.
Hint: if you want $HOME as DOS drive D:, use '-home' option
Now type ENTER to start DOSEMU or <Ctrl>C to cancel
[eugene на localhost eugene]$ rpm -qa | grep dosemu
---Regards, P.E.M.---
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